Kar-Tel offers unlimited data roaming option
To take advantage of the offer you do not need to go through a complicated connection procedure. Simply replenish your account, based on the formula: the number of days abroad multiplied by the cost of packages. Connection will occur automatically, at the time of the first access to the Internet or making the first call per day.
“Beeline roaming has become even more accessible. We are proud that our subscribers do not think about purchases of local SIM-cards when traveling outside the country. Now even standard roaming tariffs are enough to use communication services abroad. With the introduction of no-limit, issues such as finding local wi-fi or huge Internet bills for Kazakhstan will no longer be relevant, ”commented Yevgeny Nastradin, commercial director for mass market development at Beeline Kazakhstan.
This feature makes Kar-Tel an attractive option for frequent travelers and international businesspeople who need to stay connected while on the go.
The offer is valid from December 6, 2018. Kar-Tel unlimited roaming