lorawan roaming

Digita signs LoRaWAN roaming agreement with Netmore

Netmore and the Finnish operator Digita have signed a cooperation agreement regarding roaming between the companies’ respective IoT networks (LoRaWAN). Netmore’s Swedish and international customers will gain full access to Digita’s nationwide network in Finland, and Digita will now be able to offer Netmore’s geographical LoRaWAN coverage in Sweden, the UK and Ireland. digita lorawan roaming

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The roaming agreement between Netmore and Digita means that Netmore’s customers will be able to connect sensors, meters and other devices using Digita’s Finnish network with nationwide coverage. Service developers, sensor manufacturers and other IoT actors that are part of Netmore’s ecosystem will thereby gain greater opportunities to reach out with new and established IoT solutions to more geographical markets, thanks to the increased coverage.

“Internationalisation and the ability to connect multiple geographical markets are a key part of our strategy, and this is an important factor that helps to establish LoRaWAN as an access technology/protocol for large-scale IoT”,
says Andreas Stenhager, CCO, Netmore Group

“Roaming cooperation with Netmore is an important step for us in expanding the ecosystem of LoRaWAN network operators. Nordic companies and organisations are leading the way in the utilisation of IoT solutions, and this roaming partnership provides our customers with an easy and cost-effective way to expand their own IoT solution offering for their end customers on the common market of Finland and Sweden,”
says Ari Kuukka, Digita’s VP, IoT Services.

Finnish demand for LoRaWAN coverage in Sweden

The collaboration between the operators is expected to contribute to subscription growth in Netmore’s network. This is a result of Digita’s customers and partners having expressed an interest in establishing their LoRaWAN solutions on the Swedish and international markets, which has been made possible by the roaming agreement and the coverage that Netmore offers in Sweden, the UK and Ireland.


Netmore offers LoRaWAN with nationwide coverage in several countries – enables large-scale IoT projects digita lorawan roaming

Together with infrastructure investor Polar Structure, Netmore is building a growing IoT network with the purpose of creating the conditions for large-scale digitalisation that extends across national borders. The roll-out and establishment of the network infrastructure is ongoing, and follow a strategic plan that is based on geography, the demand for connectivity and future digitalisation needs. Netmore also offers European coverage on demand, which opens the door for the establishment of IoT projects in locations that currently lack coverage.

Netmore’s LoRaWAN is puropose-built to be able to connect millions of meters and sensors, thereby laying the foundation for the creation of significant societal benefits by means of large-scale digitalisation projects within a large number of areas.


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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.