IoT Mobile Roaming Traffic

Yaana Launches New Capabilities to Offer Deep Analytics of IoT Mobile Roaming Traffic to Increase Profitability

Yaana Solutions, a leading provider of intelligent analytics solutions for mobile operators and groups, announced the release of a new suite of features designed for analytics and monetization of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications commercial deals for Internet of Things (IoT) within the NeuString Roaming Analytics solution. IoT Mobile Roaming Traffic

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The NeuString Analytics platform already supports the most advanced commercial modelling within wholesale discount roaming agreements, and the launch of M2M support further extends its capabilities to manage and analyze the full scope of the mobile wholesale business.

Mobile operators globally are finding it challenging to monetize IoT connections because of the limitations imposed by commercial agreements as well as the complexity that surrounds them. This new set of NeuString Analytics platform features provides a fully integrated financial analysis and control of differentiated data pricing adding a range of new commercial modelling specific to the IoT business. This adds M2M commercial deals into NeuString Analytics’ Deal life cycle management, where the initial business case is used and applied for negotiation, contract creation, monitoring, and reporting through to settlement.


The M2M module provides Yaana Solutions’ customers access to an integrated financial optimization and control within the NeuString Roaming Analytics platform, including:

  • Identification and segmentation of IoT traffic IoT Mobile Roaming Traffic

oย  Provide flexible and configurable data segmentation at general or partner-specific levels
oย  Perform retrospective device level analysis of usage patterns
oย  Accurately segment based on usage

  • New and specific IoT/M2M commercial modelling

oย  Differentiated segment-based pricing
oย  Per device-based pricing
oย  Usage-based pricing

  • What-if analysis

oย  Simulation of segmented pricing and business case creation
oย  Comparative analysis for different pricing scenarios and changing roaming patterns
oย  Actionable insights into your M2M commercial deals and identify anomalies with descriptive analytics

  • Integration with standard wholesale business

oย  Full insight and inclusion into financial tracking, control, and reporting
oย  Automatically capture and include M2M pricing within the automatic contract generation
oย  Integration of M2M settlements as part of the standard agreement settlement flow.

The characteristics of the IoT business models differ significantly from standard roaming data traffic-based business models. While the concept of the models may be simple, the access to relevant data and the analysis is not. The level of detail that is required to perform the accurate analysis is high, as are the volumes.ย  NeuString Analytics is designed to manage this complexity and to provide actionable information to commercial managers. IoT is a natural extension of the Yaana NeuString Roaming Analytics platform for a large number of major groups and operators globally using the services actively.

Within weeks of launch, Yaana Solutions has already seen a very high adoption within its client base committing to adding M2M capabilities to their existing NeuString services. “Our customers are seeing tremendous value in the new M2M module by upgrading their existing solution. The biggest driver is to monetize the IoT traffic with the already existing digital workflow,” said Ms. Eva Gildum, Vice President at Yaana Solutions.


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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandraโ€™s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.