Telenor Hungary roaming

Telenor Hungary users generate 2.2 mln GB in EU data roaming in one year

Telenor Hungary said its customers are using data services more when roaming. In the period 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2019, the roaming data volume of Telenor customers in the EU and zone 1 networks nearly doubled over the first year of ‘roam like at home’ in the EU, reaching over 2.2 million GB. In the EU and Zone 1, roaming grew at an even faster rate than in the domestic network. Telenor Hungary roaming

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Most roaming in Germany

As in the summer of 2017 and 2018, Hungarian Telenor customers have made the most of mobile Internet in Germany, Austria, Italy and France over the past year. Croatia finished fifth in Telenor’s EU roaming top, while the United Kingdom finished sixth, just like last year.

Compared to winter-summer data traffic, Germany and Austria have a more even distribution of mobile traffic, while Italy, France, the United Kingdom, and Croatia are experiencing very high seasonality, with a significant decline in Telenor Roaming data during the winter months. Of the EU Member States, Telenor customers generated the least amount of data in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, which is not surprising as these countries are considered less popular tourist destinations.

Surprising figures from outside the EU Telenor Hungary roaming

During the period under review, roaming data usage for Telenor customers increased by approximately 40 percent in non-EU countries. The top of the list has changed compared to last year: most data was traded in the United States, last year’s gold medalist Iceland came in second, and Switzerland retained its third place.

This year, Turkey, ranked fourth among Hungarians, was ranked fourth, placing Serbia behind last year’s fourth place. In the top 10, China, Russia, Ukraine, and Israel ranked second in terms of data traffic, and Thailand ranked in tenth place, but even in that country, growth was one and a half times over the year.

At home, the British made the most of the net

The top list of foreign SIM card users joining Telenor’s Hipernet network in Hungary is interesting: although German tourists are the largest * in Hungary, British and Romanian subscribers have generated the most data traffic on Hipernet in the last year – these two nations there was only a few percent difference in traffic.

German mobile internet users had roughly a quarter less traffic than Telenor, and Austrians almost half as much as British people. Polish, sixth, Swedish, seventh, Dutch, eighth, Italian, ninth, Norwegian, and tenth, Danish users ranked fifth in the top ten. Another interesting thing is that although the Czech Republic is the third largest tourist destination in Hungary, their data traffic was only the fifteenth largest.

Telenor has also examined 4 major festivals in Hungary, looking for which country’s mobile subscribers roam the most on Hipernet in the festival area.Telenor Hungary roaming


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