western balkans roaming

Roaming charges across Balkan region to be abolished by July 1, 2021.

Serbian State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić said that the Roaming agreement between countries of Western Balkans would be signed in less than a month. Balkan region roaming

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As she pointed outcall prices will become lower by 25% starting from the 1st of July. Furthermore, it is expected that roaming prices in the region become the same as prices in domestic traffic.

Serbia has signed an agreement with North Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2014. We are in the regime of reducing prices but the plan is to reduce them even more. The prices cannot be more than 0,19 euros, which is around 22 dinars”, Matić said.

Even though it is planned that Western Balkans countries sign the agreement on the Second Digital Summit taking place in Belgrade from 4th to 5th of April, it is still unknown when the agreement would be signed.

At this moment the date for signing the agreement remains under question, due to the fact that the new contract includes Albania and the whole territory of Kosovo and Metohija”, Matić explained.

What is more important than the signing date is the larger reduction which would refer to the new Member States of the agreement.

“The phone call in Albania costs 150 dinars which is a significant reduction”, State Secretary gave an example.

The main plain is the total disappearance of roaming Balkan region roaming

“The plain is that roaming disappears from the 1st of July, which is not so far away”, Matić said.

According to Matić, this is the first step in reducing roaming prices in countries of the European Union as well.

She pointed out that this initiative is part of the Berlin process whose main core is regional cooperation and moving the region closer to the EU.

Besides the reduction of roaming prices, this process also includes other initiatives as well such as an initiative about informational security. Balkan region roaming


Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.