Avoid Data Roaming Fees on your European Travels
Most of us have read the horror stories of people who have incurred massive telephone bills while holidaying abroad. The culprit for bills that have sometimes run into five figures is data roaming charges, a tariff that automatically kicks in when you use your cell phone overseas. Even if you avoid telephone calls, receiving text messages or voice mails, still uses data roaming charges but the biggest culprits and where most charges clock up is Internet access. data roaming europe
Most people who have been caught unaware by big bills, did not realise they were using data roaming so to be on the safe side, just switch it off when you are not accessing the Internet on your mobile phone.
“Many apps, especially those for news and social media, download the latest data in the background, even if they are not in active use. Instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger also use data.” data roaming europe
Publicly available Wi-Fi hotspots, as found in coffee shops, airports, train stations etc, are convenient, they can pose a considerable risk to your data.
Just because a network connection is protected by a password, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s secure.
As we all know till now, since 15 June, in all EU countries, you can use your mobile phone the same way as at home. No matter whether surfing or talking, no matter if you have a flat rate or not, no matter are you in Spain, Italy, Croatia or Greece. data roaming europe