Hospitality: Telecom Expense Management Visibility and Simplicity
The hospitality and restaurant industries are especially challenged to manage telecommunications costs because of factors such as varied billing formats, complex market offerings, and the technical expertise needed to manage these expenses. Telecom expense management for hospitality
Telecom expense management for hospitality
Many businesses in these industries have turned to telecom expense management (TEM) providers to help control and reduce costs, gain visibility into key communications processes, and better manage and secure their mobile workforce.
Alertify telecom expense management for hospitality
Telecom Expense Management
Our Telecom Expense Management (TEM) program delivers significant cost savings as well as unparalleled visibility and corporate governance.
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TEM Billing Audit
Telecom services are a very high-line item expense for most businesses, and nearly 80 percent of bills contain errors.
Real-Time Data Usage Monitoring
In contrast to TEM services and auditing services that already exist, we can offer you real-time data usage monitoring.
New technologies are entering the workforce, whether companies want them or not. More organizations are embracing them because they don’t want to get caught on their heels, as a lot did with mobile a decade or more ago. As more of these different types of technology enter the workforce, it makes their management and their related expenses much more complicated. To meet these challenges, a large majority of those surveyed by IDC reported that they are turning to Telecom Expense Management (TEM) solutions to meet their current and future technology management needs.