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Find out best connected global landmarks

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Landmarks give us a sense of place. These monuments and natural wonders connect us to a destination and inspire travel. In Paris, it’s the Eiffel Tower and in New York City it’s the Statue of Liberty. All monumental to each place and its history, these landmarks should be on your bucket list when traveling the world.

The study by UK-based price comparison service Uswitch found the Golden Gate Bridge the most connected thanks to speeds of 67Mbps and ample free Wi-Fi available to sightseers.

Statue of Liberty, Sydney Opera House and the Eiffel Tower all fared well on the list of the most connected landmarks with internet speeds in excess of 30Mbps.

“Whether it’s uploading to Instagram, or video calling loved ones from thousands of miles away – people want to share their memories of famous landmarks around the world,” said Catherine Hiley, mobiles expert at Uswitch.com.

Uswitch looked at overall cellular strength and Wi-Fi availability to rank the landmarks.

Unsurprisingly, landmarks outside main cities didn’t fare as well, such as Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe while the Great Wall of China ranks bottom of the list with just 2Mbps of cellular data on average.

This is surprising as China’s average internet speed is a generous 148Mpbs. global landmarks

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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandraโ€™s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.