Helsinki DNA

DNA To Double 4G Network Speeds In Helsinki, Tampere And Turku

Finland operator DNA will update its mobile network extensively towards 5G in Helsinki and the Tampere and Turku economic areas.

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The increase in data transfer speeds in densely populated areas will be achieved through the widespread introduction of new 4G frequencies and the latest network technology. The capacity expansion will increase overall speeds to double that of the current level and at best up to 1 Gbps.

Work on the mobile network upgrade was launched recently in Helsinki, and Tampere and Turku are to follow in the second half of October. The expansions are focused on the busiest areas in terms of mobile data use. In Helsinki, they span across a continuous area from the city centre to eastern Helsinki, while in Tampere and Turku, the expansions extend partially across municipal borders. The work is set to be completed by the end of the year. The current capacity expansions are a part of DNA’s nationwide mobile network capacity expansion programme, launched already during 2017.

  • READ MORE: DNA: average mobile data usage per SIM passed 21 GB in August!

– Mobile data usage is constantly growing, and DNA’s customers are the most enthusiastic data users in the world*. By continuously developing our mobile network, we ensure that our customers are able to use our network smoothly in all activities also in the future, says Jarkko Laari, Director, Radio Networks at DNA.

4G to remain alongside 5G

– The 4G network will retain its importance for years to come, despite the preparations already being made for 5G. 4G allows for excellent data transfer speeds across large areas. Initially, 5G will be a more localised technology that facilitates high-quality telecommunication services in areas and applications where optical fibre connections are unavailable or prohibitively expensive, says Laari.

DNA has been systematically developing its mobile network towards 5G. The network has been equipped with 5G-capable technology and network capacity has been increased to meet the demands of 5G. Introduction of the new 5G technology will begin as the 5G licence activates on 1 January 2019.

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.