Travel to Bosnia

Bosnian regulator reduces roaming fees on mobile networks

The Communications Regulatory Agency (RAK) of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed the further reduction in prices for roaming services in the Balkans. bosnia roaming prices
From 1 July 2020 until 30 June 2021, mobile operators will apply rates for outgoing calls of BAM 0.27/minute (all three operators) while incoming calls will be charged BAM 0.05/minute (BH Telecom), BAM 0.08/minute (Telekom Srpske/m:tel and HT Eronet). SMS will cost BAM 0.10 (BH Telecom) or BAM 0.11 (Telekom Srpske and HT Eronet), and the price of an MB will be BAM 0.11.


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The average retail unit price for mobile internet service for all users in the period from 01.07.2020. years until 30.06.2021. will amount to 0.11 KM / MB (unit price 0.08 KM / MB, plus an additional fee 0.0293 KM / MB).

As a reminder, the Agency has started activities on the implementation of Articles 5 and 6 of the Agreement, which defines the obligation to adopt acts necessary for the application of the rules of “fair use policy” and conditions of transparency, by December 31, 2020 at the latest.

Last month RAK published the Report on the results of the annual survey of users of CRA licenses for the provision of Internet services in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2019.

Rate of Internet use in BiH in 2019 is 94.32% bosnia roaming prices

In the period covered by the research, ending on 31.12.2019. In BiH, there were a total of 65 Internet service providers.

The results of the survey showed that in 2019, there were a total of 746,271 internet subscribers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Agency estimates that in the same period, there were 3,330,502 Internet users, ie that the rate of Internet use in BiH in 2019 is 94.32%.

When it comes to the type of Internet access, the BiH market has: dial-up via analog and ISDN modems, access with 384 subscribers, and broadband access with 745,887 subscribers. Statistics show that in 2019, the dominant type of Internet access was xDSL, whose number of subscribers is 55.49% of the total number of Internet subscribers in BiH. In second place are cable access subscribers, whose number of subscribers is 32.1% of the total number of Internet subscribers.

Further liberalization of the telecommunications market in Bosnia

The data given in the report show that the use of the Internet in Bosnia and Herzegovina is constantly increasing, with a special emphasis on the use of broadband services.

The Agency expects that further liberalization of the telecommunications market and the introduction of new technologies will enable the presence of quality services and thus continue the positive trends in the application of the Internet in BiH. Offering faster and cheaper access to the Internet is a prerequisite for the development of the information society, and thus the progress of the economy and society as a whole.


Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.