Air Caraïbes & French Bee: First Green Pilot Certified Airlines for Sustainability
Air Caraïbes and French Bee announced, during the COP26, that they became the first airlines in the world to be fully Green Pilot certified. This new label recognizes airlines that have developed a robust carbon-reducing program in their operations and have actively engaged all their employees in their green policy.
The Green Pilot® certification has been designed to meet the growing demand from airline leaders to assess, support, and improve their fuel efficiency program. This demanding certification evaluates the quality of the green policy implemented in an airline’s operations and employees’ commitment to this strategy.
With a thorough and transparent evaluation on training, application of fuel-saving best practices, communication, CSR, and implication in collaborative projects with the airline’s ecosystem, the Green Pilot® certification assesses that airlines meet the highest standards of environmental best practices, public transparency, and employee engagement.
As part of the program, once the airline is certified, educational materials are distributed to employees to improve their awareness of fuel best practices, increase the green culture and further reduce CO2 emissions.
“We are truly honored to be the first airlines to be certified. This is a significant milestone for Air Caraïbes and French bee, as we always strive to meet higher standards in terms of green excellence, and we wanted to increase awareness inside our organization. We are very proud of our achievements and in particular of the creation of a Green Team within our teams, but we are also pleased to benefit from the help of the program to identify further opportunities for improvement,” said Marc Rochet, CEO of Air Caraïbes and President of French bee.
“This achievement is in line with the French Bee team’s commitment to conduct all operations in an environmentally responsible manner. We are very pleased to have completed the Green Pilot Certification, thanks to the active involvement of our teams. This certification will help us involve everybody in the company in achieving more fuel savings while preserving the planet,” said Marc Rochet, CEO of Air Caraïbes and Président of French bee.
“I am impressed to see how seriously the two airlines have taken their certification journey, making them the first airlines to earn this level of recognition. This certification is a logical continuity of the Green Pilot movement launched at the end of 2020 which gathers a community of pilots and airline workers concerned about the state of the planet. Airlines also wanted to participate in the initiative, but we needed to ensure that they were highly committed to reducing their carbon footprint. We are very proud to see that Air Caraïbes and French Bee had a very positive score on their evaluation, reaffirming their leading position in green aviation. With the certification in place, we are confident they will continue to improve their operations’ efficiency and get all the team on board,“ said Alexandre Feray, CEO & Founder Green Pilot. Green Pilot certified