Fussball Berlin

World Cup reduces data traffic in Germany by 37 percent

The football World Cup with the unexpected finish for the German team in the preliminary round has moved Germany these days. Exactly how exactly people actually moved was analyzed by Telefónica NEXT on behalf of the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft eV (BVDW).

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During the three World Cup matches of the German national soccer team, reduces data traffic averaged 37 percent , according to Telefónica NEXT and analysis partner Teralytics. Public viewing attracted women and men alike.

During the game against Mexico on Sunday, traffic decreased by 38 percent , by 39 percent on Saturday against Sweden and by 36 percent on Wednesday against South Korea, compared to the reference day. On Wednesdays and Sundays, traffic increased above average before the Games. This suggests that people here visited other places to watch the games, such as visiting friends or attending public viewing events.

Women almost as excited about the World Cup as men

Telefónica NEXT has investigated three of the nation’s largest public viewing offerings on behalf of the BVDW for the first two matches of the German team: the fan mile between the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, as well as the events at the Hamburger Heiligengeistfeld and the Frankfurt Commerzbank Arena .

The public viewing shows that women were almost as enthusiastic about the World Cup as men: 54 percent of the visitors were male and 46 female . The highest proportion of women was the Hamburger Heiligengeistfeld, where 47.5 percent of the spectators were to be found. In Frankfurt, the public viewers were slightly older than at the other Fanfesten examined. While the 25 to 29-year-olds were the strongest age group in Berlin, the 30 to 34-year-olds were in Frankfurt.

Also foreign tourists in Germany like to use the public viewing of the World Cup matches. The football-loving visitors are mostly Americans and British. BVDW Managing Director Marco Junk : “A World Cup inspires the whole country, from all age groups across the sexes. It is all the more important for business, commerce and transport to be prepared for the mass movements and actions of the people. The anonymized use of transaction data serves for better planning. “

Data analysis uses traffic planning and commerce

The analysis tools that Telefónica NEXT uses on behalf of the BVDW to exemplify transport and public viewing are used by the transport sector, commerce and tourism to better adapt local transport or customer service to actual needs , among other things . “Our data analyzes help travelers to get a seat in local public transport more easily, or dealers can find the ideal location for a new branch,” explains Jens Lappoehn , Managing Director of Advanced Data Analytics at Telefónica NEXT .

Methodology of the World Cup evaluation

In normal operation of Telefónica Deutschland fall mobile data of more than 45 million connections. These arise when cell phones communicate with cell phones. Telefónica Deutschland anonymizes these daily about five billion data points over a three-stage procedure with the so-called Data Anonymization platform . The platform was developed by Telefónica Deutschland in coordination with the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) and is TÜV-certified . Anonymous socio-demographic data, such as age and gender, derived from contract data may also be included. Through the anonymization the privacy of individuals is protected at all times, while the statistical power over the behavior of groups is maintained. Individual movements can not be derived from this.

To understand the impact of the Germany games on traffic, Telefónica NEXT and Teralytics compared the total number of moves in Germany during the matches of the national team with the same time last week. Movements are detected from two kilometers in length, no matter whether train, road or air. Such evaluations support smart city, transport, trade and tourism solutions.

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