WindTre and Very Mobile hike roaming data to 2023 levels
On the occasion of the increase in the GB’s valid in EU Roaming and the related lowering of the extra-threshold cost foreseen for the second half of 2022 , WINDTRE, together with its second brand Very Mobile, allows you to have already available the GB thresholds that can be used in European Union expected in 2023, therefore higher 6 months in advance. windtre roaming data
First of all, please note that from 1 July 2022 the new European Regulation 2022/612 officially entered into force, with the extension of the Roaming Like At Home (RLAH) scheme for another 10 years.
As was the case with the previous regulation, a new gradual reduction in wholesale roaming prices is also envisaged, i.e. the costs that operators apply to each other for the use of their respective networks when their customers travel abroad, which for data traffic determines new increases in EU Roaming GB.
According to the new regulation, starting from the second half of this year and until 2032 there will be 6 further reductions in the wholesale prices of data traffic. From 1 July 2022 in particular, the ceiling has dropped to 2 euros (excluding VAT) per GB and will be valid until 31 December 2022.
To calculate the maximum amount of data traffic that can be used in Europe, the rule provides for the application of a formula that changes with each lowering of the wholesale cost and allows each variation to obtain more and more GB available.
The formula for calculating the EU Roaming GB ceiling valid from 1st July to 31st December 2022 is as follows: GB volume = x 2.
Subsequently, from 1 January 2023, there will then be a ceiling of 1.80 euros (excluding VAT) per GB, in that case, valid until 31 December 2023, which will then be followed by further new annual reductions.
The adaptation of WINDTRE and Very windtre roaming data
As already told, both WINDTRE and Very Mobile had already in June 2022, a few weeks in advance, adjusted the GB thresholds and the extra-threshold cost for Roaming in the European Union of their offers (to new and existing customers) in view of the change expected from 1 July 2022.
Specifically, Very Mobile a rechargeable prepaid mobile phone service from the telephone operator Wind Tre SpA (CK Hutchison group), which therefore represents WINDTRE’s second consumer brand (the company prefers to promote Very Mobile as a semi-virtual directly from the CK Hutchison group), of which it uses its 4G network up to 30 Mbps in both download and upload, has already made the adjustment in the first days of June 2022.
Instead, WINDTRE began to adjust its offers starting from 20 June 2022, when all the operator’s customers automatically obtained an extension of the data traffic limit valid in roaming in the European Union countries, at no additional cost.