United Group joins EU-Western Balkans roaming declaration
Eighteen telecommunications operators from the European Union (EU) and the Western Balkans (WB) signed a Roaming Declaration enabling the reduction of roaming charges between the EU and WB as of 1 October 2023, kicking off the EU-WB Summit in Tirana on 6 December 2022. United Group EU-Western Balkans roaming declaration
United Group, one of the largest telecommunications and media operators in South East Europe including Nova, Total TV, Telemach, SBB and more regional telecommunication platforms, is the latest operator which signed the European Union (EU)-Western Balkans (WB) Roaming Declaration at a meeting of telecommunications operators from EU and WB in Brussels organised by the European Commission and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), thus joining the initiative that will bring the reduction of data roaming charges between the EU and the Western Balkans as of 1 October 2023.
“I am glad to see more telecommunications operators joining the Roaming Declaration between the EU and WB, as this initiative we are powering through with the European Commission is something that will bring real tangible benefits for the citizens of our region, but EU citizens as well. We are working tirelessly to see even more telecom operators joining this effort. There is a lot of work ahead of us still, but I’m looking forward to this October,” said RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.
Continuing the success of Roam Like at Home regimes in the EU and Western Balkans, EU and WB telecommunications operators signed the Roaming Declaration at the EU-WB Summit held in Tirana in December last year, thus enabling the reduction of data roaming charges between the EU and the Western Balkans as of 1 October 2023. This Declaration is the result of the strong engagement of the EU and WB telecommunications operators and the support of the European Commission, Regional Cooperation Council, as well as region’s authorities and is in line with the Common Regional Market Action Plan.
Western Balkans roaming solution United Group EU-Western Balkans roaming declaration
Roaming prices for Western Balkans can vary depending on the service provider and the type of roaming services offered.
BNESIM international sim card is the best solution for roaming savings as it offers low-cost roaming services for international travelers. It provides access to local networks in over 100 countries, allowing users to make calls, send texts and use data services at a lower cost than traditional roaming services. BNESIM claims to offer significant savings compared to other roaming options, making it a popular choice for international travelers looking to reduce their roaming costs.