Telenor google for android

Telenor first telco to launch digital solution with Google for Android users to ease data top-up

Telenor Group companies dtac in Thailand and Digi in Malaysia are the first telcos in the world to launch the feature. Telenor google for android

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This will provide our customers who use Android devices with a better experience in managing their mobile data usage, more personalized offers, and the option to receive alerts enabling easy data purchases in the moment when needed. It will reduce data anxiety and increase transparency. It’s very exciting that Digi and dtac are the first to launch this feature in their markets,” said Svein Henning Kirkeng, Chief Marketing Officer, Telenor Group.

Beginning in Thailand and Malaysia Telenor google for android

Currently in the pilot stage, the feature will now gradually be rolled out to dtac and Digi subscribers in Thailand and Malaysia who have Android OS 4.0 or newer. It will be extended to Telenor Group’s mobile operations in other countries in the future.


“Mobile carriers play a critical role in delivering great experiences to people through their networks and services. We’re excited to see Mobile Data Plan roll out and give Telenor’s customers a simple way to manage their mobile data directly within Android,” said Matt Klainer, Vice President, Consumer Communications Products at Google.

In 2016, Telenor and Google collaborated on a Mobile Data Plan API, which alerted Telenor customers in Thailand and Malaysia when reaching the end of their data quota while watching content in the YouTube app, and enabled them to easily buy data directly from within the app user interface. The new feature is an expansion of this effort, and now enables customers to manage price plans from their carrier directly from Android settings rather than within a specific app.



Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.