How much money are you wasting on telecommunications services and equipment?
How many telecom accounts and how many phones and related equipment and services are floating around your organization? When was your last telecom audit or telecom refund? More about telecom savings below.
The larger your organization is the larger your investment in telecom services and products and, in all likelihood, the more time, money, and talent you’re wasting that can and should be recaptured.
You really can’t afford to wait! telecom savings
Alertify service is not just for Fortune 500 companies: we help cities, counties, small and medium size companies. Technology for telecom is rapidly changing and so are your bills.
But, are your telecom contracts reviewed and managed?
We can help you now, and work fast to get your telecom inventory in shape. Obtain telecom tax refunds and telecom Savings = found revenue. Our telecom management also brings your corporation or business telecom inventory management. Telecom expenses continue whether your employees are in the office or at home.
Who is checking your telecom inventory? If usages aren’t monitored each month fees will still be due. Let us help control your telecom inventory or even perform a one time audit to help you during this time. We bring a telecom inventory with contract dates, monthly spend, FUSF, USF, 911, MARC review, and usages, reporting all with no telecom software to purchase. We provide telecom audit training with our telecom expense management services so your team can understand the findings we uncover.
We care about your business telecom expense … Do you? telecom savings