Pepephone increases free EU roaming limits
Spanish operator Pepephone, a MasMovil brand, has informed its customers that it will be increasing its free EU-wide data roaming limits in 2018, reports the operator.
In July, the company announced that it would be applying the EU’s fair use policy and limiting data roaming on all its plans because allowing subscribers to roam like home throughout the EU wouldn’t be economically viable.
It has now increased those limits to a maximum of 1.50 GB a month for subscribers to its EUR 5.9 a month plan, rising to 5.48 GB for subscribers to its EUR 19.9 a month plan, up from 4.27 GB in July.
The legislation passed in Brussels and which all mobile phone companies in Europe must comply with has, however, small print that probably not everyone will tell you and that we would like to explain to you. To begin with, it is VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU KNOW THE COUNTRIES INCLUDED IN THE REGULATION:
Countries of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA): Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guyana French, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Martinique Island, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal (Madeira and Azores), United Kingdom, Romania, Sweden, Spain – for zone purposes only), Saint Martin and Mayotte.
The roaming rate in the countries of the European Union will be equal to the national rate, that is, the price of your calls and messages will be the same as if you were in Spain, without added costs, not even if you receive a call (until now you paid per call received), except in the case of calls to 900 numbers, free from Spain but with a cost of € 1.21 / min + € 1.21 of establishment from the EU.
This is where you can find a small difference, since it may happen that you do not have the full GB quota contracted to navigate while in European Union countries.
The EU sets the regulated price of the wholesale GB and the possibility of establishing a limit of GBs calculated based on the GB price that the tariff has. In our case, being a Virtual Mobile Operator, our GB cost is equal to the regulated one, which means that we have to apply this limit.