MegaFon Russia: Belarus became the most popular roaming destination
The number of Russians who went on a trip abroad in April-June was a record for the last three years, according to a MegaFon report. But those who choose foreign resorts for recreation are still half as many as in the pre-pandemic year of 2019. More latest news about Megafon Russia roaming trends find out below.
According to the operator, Russian tourists have begun to travel longer: the average duration of a foreign trip has increased from eight days in 2019 to ten in 2022. Due to the complexity and cost of logistics, people are increasingly refusing to take short trips.
The top destinations where Russians traveled most often was headed by Belarus. The second and third places were taken by Turkey and Kazakhstan, respectively. In 2019, Belarus was on the second line after Turkey, which was the undisputed leader of the rating, and Finland closed the top three. And if the number of tourists in Belarus in 2022 is already comparable to pre-pandemic times, then in Turkey it has almost halved, and in Kazakhstan it has grown by 52%.
The leaders in the growth of tourist flow are Kyrgyzstan (+71% compared to 2019) and Uzbekistan (+55%). Russia has direct flights to both countries, and tour operators have launched package tours this year.
Russians are again flying to distant countries: some exotic destinations have already overtaken pre-pandemic times in terms of the number of travelers. Thus, Sri Lanka showed an increase of 39% compared to 2019, the Maldives – by 27%, Seychelles – by 4%.
Belarus has become not only the most popular tourist destination, but also the champion in terms of call duration – an average of 26 minutes per traveler. On April 1, MegaFon zeroed out the fee for incoming roaming calls in Belarus. The UAE (19 minutes per person) and Greece (16 minutes) ranked second and third in terms of call duration.
While traveling, MegaFon subscribers began to use mobile Internet much more actively: traffic consumption increased by 60% compared to the pre-pandemic 2019. megafon russia