Kena Mobile ups EU data roaming allowances
The offer can be activated until January 21st 2019 (except for extensions) and is reserved to all customers who require the portability of the number from Iliad , ho. Mobile and all other MVNOs (with the exception of those on the Noverca platform, then Noitel Mobile, Rabona, NT Mobile and the “deceased” Ringo Mobile and SIMPiù).
- READ MORE: Vodafone Italy: Roaming calculator
The Giga included in the offer are consumed in advance increments of 1 KB. The offer is automatically renewed every month if the credit on the SIM is sufficient to cover the cost of renewal, otherwise, the user is suspended.
During the period of suspension of the minutes, the SMS and the data are tariffed as required by the Kena Basic Plan, until the credit is exhausted and unless additional options are active on the line. By making a top-up charge within 90 days from the renewal date, the offer will be usable again, otherwise, the termination process will be initiated. kena mobile