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Huawei 5G: 20% Cheaper, Superior Technology

Recently, “Bloomberg” published a commentary saying that one of the reasons why Huawei 5G technology was blocked in some countries and regions is not the so-called “security,” but the price is more competitive.

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Joseph Franell, a telecommunications company manager based in Hermiston, Oregon, said in an interview that Huawei has helped about 20 US telecommunications companies provide fixed-line, mobile communications and high-speed data services in remote locations, and their equipment prices are better than those of Ericsson and Nokia.

Waiting for competitors to be 20% to 30% cheaper

In fact, Huawei’s 4G/5G equipment is known worldwide for its high quality, high security and high-cost performance, and is trusted by multinational telecom operators. A few days ago, operators including Germany and Canada all expressed their support for Huawei. Huawei’s 5G technology was needed to implement network construction. Australian operators decided to suspend 5G network construction due to Huawei 5G technology ban.

Deutsche Telekom Warns Huawei Ban Would Hurt Europe 5G

Officials at Europe’s largest telecommunication company have warned that removing Huawei from the list of suppliers of fifth-generation networks would delay roll-out of the technology by at least two years, said people familiar with a briefing paper written in recent weeks. The people asked not to be identified because the findings are confidential. A Bonn-based Deutsche Telekom spokesman declined to comment, Bloomberg reports.

Germany and other European governments have been weighing whether to place restrictions on the use of Huawei equipment over concerns that Chinese intelligence could use it to spy on other countries, fears the company has dismissed.

German and Canadian operators support Huawei

According to Reuters, Germany has held a high-level hearing of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs recently, inviting Telekom, Vodafone and Telefónica Deutschland to participate in the three major operators to discuss Huawei’s role in the construction of 5G networks in Germany. It is reported that the three major operators all said that they use Huawei network equipment for a long time, and there is no such thing as “network security problem.”

However, Telekom also said that it hopes to maintain cooperation with Huawei by detecting the source code, and Huawei agrees. And said “welcome objective safety guidelines inspection mechanism.” It is reported that Deutsche Telekom operators will conduct independent laboratory certification and safety standards review before the deployment of all critical infrastructure and under the supervision of the state.

In addition to Germany, Canadian operators Bell and Telus also recently issued internal letters to employees, saying that Huawei’s mobile phones and 5G devices do not have any security problems. They will continue to cooperate with Huawei to deploy 5G networks, which is undoubtedly expressing dissatisfaction with the Canadian government.

UK decision on Huawei ban expected in March

A government review into telecoms security which will recommend whether Huawei should be banned from UK networks will be completed in March, although its findings may be too sensitive to publish. Although Jeremy Wright MP declined to comment on the progress of the review, which is assessing the risk that Huawei equipment poses to critical infrastructure, he confirmed it should be completed by March, Sky reports.


Australian operators stop building 5G network due to Huawei ban

Another country, Australia, which announced the ban on Huawei equipment, encountered bottlenecks in the development of 5G. Recently, Canadian operator TGP announced the suspension of 5G network deployment because Huawei’s 4G network uses Huawei equipment and upgrade to 5G, which also needs Huawei support. However, since the Australian government announced the Huawei ban in August last year, the company could not upgrade 5G network at a reasonable cost.

Most European carriers have ordered its equipment because the technology is often seen as superior to that of its rivals. Competitors including Ericsson AB, Nokia Oyj, Cisco Systems Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. would have to step in if Huawei were to be banned, potentially leading to capacity constraints.

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.