Hrvatski telekom introduces a new “travel & surf region” option for carefree surfing in the Western Balkans countries
For all those who plan to visit the countries of the region, Hrvatski Telekom offers the option for carefree surfing “Travel & Surf Region”. The new roaming option includes 3 GB of internet traffic in Serbia, BiH, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo. The option lasts 14 days and is the first and only option in Croatia that enables the use of the Internet in the countries of the Western Balkans and is affordable for users. hrvatski telekom western balkans roaming
Deutsche Telekom Group, of which Hrvatski Telekom is a part, signed the new EU/WB Roaming Declaration, whose primary mission is to support mobility and simpler networking through state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Accordingly, HT introduces a new roaming option in its offer, aiming to provide users with data services while roaming in the countries of the region.
A New Option to Prevent Unwanted Costs hrvatski telekom western balkans roaming
The primary goal of the new option is to enable users to use the internet at affordable prices while protecting them from unwanted costs. Once the Travel & Surf Region users consume the option, Hrvatski Telekom disables internet use in the mentioned countries to prevent the occurrence of unwanted costs. The option is one-time and non-renewable, and the user can reactivate the option after consuming 3 GB of the internet or after the option expires.
Upon the option’s expiry or after the data has been consumed, data in the mentioned countries will be suspended to prevent unwanted costs. The option’s price is EUR 9.99 (HRK 75.27), including VAT.
EU-WB Pact: Making Roaming Affordable in Western Balkans hrvatski telekom western balkans roaming
In an increasingly connected world, seamless and cost-effective mobile roaming is essential. The Western Balkans region, consisting of six countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, has been actively working towards providing more affordable roaming services to its citizens. The European Union, in collaboration with the Western Balkans, has initiated the EU-WB roaming agreement to reduce the cost of mobile roaming within the region, bringing it in line with EU standards.
The EU-WB roaming agreement sets out a roadmap for reducing roaming charges between the EU and the Western Balkans, aiming to eventually abolish them. The agreement, which came into effect on July 1, 2021, has seen significant price reductions for mobile calls, SMS, and data within the region. This is a critical step towards digital integration and improved telecommunications connectivity between the EU and the Western Balkans, fostering regional cooperation and contributing to the economic development of the region.