Increase in high-speed internet coverage in EU: Malta leads
In 2021, the European Commission set a 2030 target of achieving gigabit connectivity in all EU households and 5G coverage for all populated areas. Considerable progress has already been made in the rollout of fixed very high-capacity network (VHCN) connections across the EU. high speed internet eu
The EU’s vision and concrete targets for digital transformation by 2030 are set out in a Digital Compass that evolves around four cardinal points: skills, digital transformation of businesses, secure and sustainable digital infrastructures, and digitalization of public services. Progress towards these 2030 targets is measured by a monitoring system based on the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI).
Considerable progress has already been made: In 2021, 70% of EU households enjoyed high-speed internet coverage, up from only 16% in 2013. high speed internet eu
VHCN connectivity also improved in low-settled areas. Between 2013 and 2021, the share of households in low-settled areas with fixed VCHN connections increased from 4% to 37% across the EU. Despite this progress, access levels differ significantly across the EU Member States and also within the many Member States with regard to population density.
Comprehensive high-speed internet coverage in Malta
In 2021, Malta recorded high-speed internet coverage for all households (100%), followed by Luxembourg (96%), Denmark (95%) and Spain (94%). In contrast, fixed high-speed internet connections were the least widespread in Greece (20%), Cyprus (41%) and Italy (44%).
In low-settled areas, the most widespread coverage was reported in Malta (100%), followed by Luxembourg, Denmark and the Netherlands (all 79%). Meanwhile, the least widespread coverage in low settled areas was reported in Greece (0%), followed by Czechia (7%) and Finland (12%).
There are large differences between countries high speed internet eu
Despite progress, however, access levels vary significantly between EU member states and also within many member states in terms of population density, Eurostat finds.
In contrast, fixed high-speed internet connections were the least common in Greece (20%), in Cyprus (41%) and in Italy (44%).
In sparsely populated areas, the most widespread coverage was reported in Malta (100%), followed by Luxembourg, Denmark and the Netherlands (79%). Meanwhile, less widespread coverage in sparsely populated areas was reported in Greece (0%), followed by the Czech Republic (7%) and Finland (12%).