Helium x Techtenna Roaming Partnership Expands Connectivity in Europe
Helium announces latest roaming partnership with Techtenna. Headquartered in The Netherlands, Techtenna is a high-density LoRaWAN network operator guaranteeing connection and simplifying end-to-end IoT solutions for a variety of use cases. Powered by the Helium blockchain, LoRaWAN-compatible devices using Techtenna will now be able to utilize the Helium Network’s massive coverage in Europe and around the globe. helium roaming tectenna
Techtenna and its customers plan to deploy more than 2 million devices by 2023 across a wide range of verticals such as smart water metering, smart cities, forest conservation, and smart agriculture. With this roaming partnership, Techtenna customers can take advantage of extended connectivity and expand into new markets globally while driving usage on the Helium Network with an influx of new customers and applications across The Netherlands and Europe.
Use Cases for a Healthier Planet
Techtenna provides connectivity to enable a number of different use cases, allowing Hotspot owners in areas where Techtenna is roaming to make a tangible, positive impact on their communities and the planet. These include:
- A collaboration with Brabant Water, where 300 water meters were deployed in the municipality of Breda for a pilot. Through this deployment, it is estimated that Breda will save 4 million liters of water annually that has previously been lost to leakage. By utilizing Techtenna’s LoRaWAN network, Brabant is able to provide real-time insight into water usage without the need for manual meter readings, enabling water savings and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- A partnership with Geosparc for 3,000 parking sensors being deployed in Antwerp, allowing the city to monitor occupancy in real-time.
- Working with companies such as Landstad de Baronie and Natuurmonumenten for forest conservation. Through instant insights into visitor behavior in forests with people counters and presence metering, Techtenna empowers solutions that allow people to enjoy nature while also preserving it for generations to come.
- Working with Verbruiksoverzicht and Mainlink where 300 smart water meters are deployed in the city of Groningen. Real estate owners now have insights into water usage and can prevent damage by detecting leakage.
Roaming Explained helium roaming tectenna
The Helium Network’s unprecedented growth, with over 610K Hotspots in 47K+ cities, means the Network sees a large amount of IoT device traffic around the world. When that is non-Helium traffic, it ends up getting dropped.
Roaming partnerships with other wireless networks allows Helium to route that traffic to these partners, dramatically increasing usage on the Helium Network and providing increased global coverage for partners. As there is more emphasis placed on usage versus providing coverage for HNT rewards over time, roaming with partners such as Techtenna will be important drivers of data transfer for Hotspot owners.
Roaming Partner Benefits helium roaming tectenna
IoT network operators who enter into roaming partnerships with Helium benefit in a number of ways, including:
- Being able to utilize the Helium Network’s rapidly-expanding global coverage
- Access to existing LoRaWAN infrastructure, allowing network operators to see immediate ROI without needing to purchase and deploy additional gateways
- The ability to create redundancy in existing coverage areas

The list of roaming partners in the Helium ecosystem continues to grow, and Helium is thrilled to welcome Techtenna as the newest addition. If you’re interested in roaming with Helium, contact sales@helium.com to learn how your company can expand its network and connect to new business opportunities.