
Fastweb modifies EU roaming offer and include Switzerland

Fastweb modifies the conditions of its offers in Roaming within the European Union countries, adapting however in derogation from the annual update of 1 January 2019  of the Roaming Like at Home regulation.

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AGCOM, with a resolution no. 291/18 / CONS published on July 17, 2018, authorized Fastweb to apply a surcharge to roaming services according to the European standards introduced in recent years.

The virtual operator has thus decided to stagger offers according to the bundle provided. Specifically, if the offer includes up to 500 minutes and 500 SMS, without data traffic, then all minutes and SMS will be included for roaming in the European Union and Switzerland. The extra-fee tariff for EU and Swiss roaming consumption will always be 5 euro cents per minute for calls and 5 cents per SMS.

In the case of offers with minutes and SMS that exceed 500 units (but which are not unlimited), 500 minutes and 500 SMS will be available for EU roaming, while consumption will pay 2.93 euro cents until the domestic threshold is reached of the offer, and then 5 cents a minute as in the previous case.

Similar text message: 1.23 euro cents each before reaching the ceiling, and then 5 cents each.

For offers with unlimited minutes and SMS, on the other hand, 500 minutes and 500 text messages remain in roaming, but the extra-consumer tariff is 2.93 euro cents per minute and 1.22 euro cents per SMS.

As for data traffic, Fastweb has decided that in the offers with less than 1 Giga the entire volume will be included, and the pay-as-you-go rate will be 0.549 euro cents per single megabyte, while in the case of offers with over 1 gigabyte of available traffic, roaming traffic will be a maximum of 1 Giga and may not exceed this value. The rate according to consumption will be the same.

Summing up, therefore, if the domestic offer does not reach 1 Gigabyte of traffic included, then the whole amount will be available abroad. If instead, the offer has more than 1 Giga of traffic included, then you can have up to 1 Giga of traffic abroad.

Please note that there is a dedicated page on the official Fastweb website where you can select the category of your offer and the specific geographical area for details on roaming. These rates are valid until January 31, 2019, unless extended.

In addition, FastWeb has decided to apply these tariff conditions, as it had already done, even for those who use the mobile number from Switzerland, a country not included in the European Union countries.

The same rules and the same limitations set out above apply also to the offers with VAT numbers: in these cases, only slightly lower rates are charged for data traffic, set at 0.45 euro cents per single megabyte.


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