highest mobile data usage in the world

DNA users: heaviest mobile data users in the world

Telenor’s Finnish subsidiary DNA said that in the fourth quarter of 2019, the average mobile data use per subscription was 28.5 GB which is the highest mobile data usage in the world. The strongest mobile data users on DNA’s mobile networks are now known and may not be found in all major cities.

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By 2019, Rovaniemi residents were by far the largest consumers of mobile data per subscription on their mobile phones.

Highest mobile data usage in the world

This compares with 23.5 GB per month in H1 2019 as measured by a Tefficient report in September, which said DNA customers had the highest mobile data usage in the world.

Looking at the amount of data consumers use on their smartphones, the gender and age distribution shows that men used an average of 520 MB per day of mobile data in 2019, slightly more than women (433 MB).

Among the age groups, mobile data was the most used by the youngest group, 18-29, followed by 30-39.

“Of course, it’s no surprise that young people used mobile data the most on their smartphones. The difference in usage rates, on the other hand, is really great: the youngest age group used mobile data almost twice as much as the next age group. This is largely due to the increased use of video content by young people, ” Jarkko Laari, Director of DNA Radio Networks, says.

Mobile data usage is increasing by night, with peak usage rates between 8pm and 10pm. The largest amount of data on the web comes from the use of video services such as YouTube and Netflix.

Using mobile phones has become an evening routine for Finns. After school, work, hobbies, and other spending, it’s time to sit on the couch to breathe with mobile content, ”says Laari.

Of course, the cellphone is also grabbed during the festive moments; for example, at the turn of the year, a big spike was seen in outgoing traffic when the Finns wished each other a happy new year with pictures and videos through various applications.


DNA’s Top 10 Mobile Data Users Top 10 in 2019

The top 10 list data is based on DNA’s network data, which includes consumer telephone subscriptions. The reference period is the whole year 2019 and the figures refer to the average daily mobile data usage per mobile phone per megabyte.

Rovaniemi: 746
Vantaa: 607
Nurmijärvi: 586
Kemi: 579
Porvoo: 579
Joensuu: 575
Jyväskylä: 566
Helsinki: 558
Hyvinkää: 557
Mäntsälä: 556


Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.