beeline uzbekistan roaming kazakhstan

Beeline Uzbekistan offers new monthly pack with roaming in Kazakhstan

Beeline Uzbekistan introduced the new package Uydagidek for using mobile data services also in Kazakhstan. The package contains 2,000 minutes, 200 SMS and 2 GB for use in Uzbekistan, as well as 100 minutes of calls to local networks and a 5 GB data package in Kazakhstan. Calls to Uzbekistan from Kazakhstan are offered with a 75 percent discount, for UZS 2,500 per minute. beeline uzbekistan roaming kazakhstan

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The monthly subscription rate of the package totals UZS 55,000.

The cost of minutes, Internet and SMS in roaming in Kazakhstan and Russia in the network of Beeline mobile operator

Outgoing calls to local numbers within Kazakhstan and Russia 1,000 UZS/min
Internet, 1 MB 100 UZS
Incoming calls in roaming in Kazakhstan and Russia 2,500 UZS/min
Outgoing calls to Uzbekistan 2,500 UZS/min
Outgoing international calls to other countries 25 260 UZS/min
Outgoing SMS within Kazakhstan and Russia 1,000 UZS/1 SMS

The cost of minutes, Internet and SMS in roaming outside the network of the mobile operator Beeline Kazakhstan or Beeline Russia

When a subscriber is in other networks of mobile operators in Kazakhstan and Russia or in other countries, calls and SMS in roaming are billed according to standard zonal billing.

Internet in roaming on the tariff plan is charged as follows:
– in the Beeline Kazakhstan or Beeline Russia network after the completion of the included traffic 100 UZS / Mb
– in other networks of mobile operators in Kazakhstan or Russia 10,000 UZS / Mb
– in other countries of VEON and CIS tariff zones  10 000 UZS / Mb
– in the countries of the tariff zone Popular countries 20 000 UZS /
1 Mb – in other tariff zones according to standard roaming tariffs beeline uzbekistan roaming kazakhstan

In the absence of a sufficient amount on the subscriber’s balance, the monthly subscription fee is not charged on credit, and accordingly, a package with included traffic will not be provided. Payment for the further use of communication services will be carried out according to the standard billing according to the terms of the tariff.

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.