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Beeline offers free roaming for holders of premium MasterCard cards

Russian mobile operator Beeline has introduced free roaming services for customers holding premium MasterCard bank cards.

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Holders of Platinum Mastercard, World Mastercard Black Edition or World Elite Mastercard bank cards are offered 1 GB, 2 GB or 3 GB mobile data traffic bundles, respectively, when connecting to the Automatic Payment system.

Cardholders will receive: beeline free roaming mastercard

  • Platinum Mastercard® – 1 GB;
  • World Mastercard Black Edition – 2 GB;
  • Elite Mastercard – 3 GB.

The promotion is not available to subscribers of the “Everything for 1800 + roaming” tariff plan, on the tariffs of additional numbers for the products “Total package of services for any devices” and “Internet for everything”, as well as for subscribers – individuals who are discussed under the program “My Company”. The campaign is incompatible with the service “ Unlimited Internet in roaming ”

The offer is only valid until February 15, 2020.

As of 2020, Visa was the most popular payment card brand in Russia for both online and offline payments, accounting for 45 percent of users. Mastercard was the second most employed type of card with a share of 36 percent over the observed period.
Online shopping has been gaining momentum over the last decade in Russia, which was primarily manifested by steadily growing e-commerce penetration rates and the consequent expansion of the online retail market across the country.



Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.