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Broadband Costs worldwide

Around the World in Broadband Costs

The internet has become an indispensable utility, and the cost of staying connected varies greatly depending on where you live. Cable.co.uk delves into a captivating exploration of global broadband pricing, unveiling the cheapest and most expensive countries for fixed-line broadband service. Broadband Costs worldwide

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Cable.co.uk analysis examines broadband pricing in a staggering 223 countries and territories again! This expansive study exposes a fascinating spectrum of costs, with some nations boasting remarkably affordable internet access compared to others. Buckle up and prepare to be surprised by the global broadband price landscape! Broadband Costs worldwide

Top 5 Cheapest Countries for Broadband

For budget-minded internet users, rejoice! Several countries offer incredibly cheap broadband packages. Here are the top 5 most affordable destinations for fixed-line broadband:

  1. Sudan: Despite limitations in infrastructure, Sudan surprisingly holds the crown for the cheapest broadband globally.
  2. Argentina: Economic factors have driven down Argentina’s broadband costs, making it the second-cheapest option on our list.
  3. Belarus: High fiber optic penetration keeps Belarus in the top three for affordability.
  4. Ukraine: Despite ongoing conflict, Ukraine offers relatively inexpensive broadband connections.
  5. Egypt: Rounding out the top five, Egypt boasts budget-friendly internet access.

Top 5 Most Expensive Countries for Broadband

For those curious about the pricier end of the broadband spectrum, here are the top 5 most expensive countries:

  1. Solomon Islands: Believe it or not, the Solomon Islands hold the dubious distinction of having the most expensive broadband on the planet.
  2. Burundi: This East African nation contends with some of the highest broadband costs globally.
  3. Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo): Here, internet access comes at a hefty price.
  4. Falkland Islands: Remote location contributes to the high cost of broadband in the Falkland Islands.
  5. British Virgin Islands: Island living often translates to a steeper broadband price tag, as seen in the British Virgin Islands.

Regional Rundown: A Glimpse into Broadband Costs by Continent

Moving beyond individual countries, Cable.co.uk explores broadband pricing trends across various regions:

  • CIS: The Commonwealth of Independent States boasts the most affordable broadband overall, with an average monthly cost of just $16.46.
  • Eastern Europe: Eastern Europe follows closely behind, offering internet access at an average of $18.06 per month.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: While some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa boast lower costs, the region overall holds the unfortunate title of the most expensive, with an average monthly price of $62.66.


Here, Cable.co.uk takes a closer look at the average prices across 13 global regions. Each of the numbers in the following diagram is the mean price in USD for each of these regions, ordered by more expensive to cheapest.

RegionAverage regional price
CISUSD 16.46
Eastern EuropeUSD 18.06
BalticsUSD 21.58
Northern AfricaUSD 22.95
South AmericaUSD 38.48
Asia (Ex. Near East)USD 39.88
Western EuropeUSD 50.01
Sub-Saharan AfricaUSD 62.66
Near EastUSD 65.75
CaribbeanUSD 82.94
Northern AmericaUSD 104.33
OceaniaUSD 105.14
Central AmericaUSD 105.72


Of the 11 CIS nations in the table, with the exception of Turkmenistan, all can be found in the top 40 cheapest in the table, making it the cheapest region in the world for broadband overall. The region had an average monthly price of just USD 16.46. The cheapest nations were Belarus (USD 7.03, 3rd), Kazakhstan (USD 9.08, 8th), and Moldova (USD 9.19, 9th). In comparison, the most expensive countries in the region were Turkmenistan (USD 58.68, 147th), Armenia (USD 18.21, 38th) and Tajikistan (USD 17.42, 34th).

  • Position: 1st
  • Total countries tested: 11
  • Most expensive package: USD 143.05
  • Cheapest package: USD 4.78
  • Average package price: USD 16.46
  • Total packages measured: 208

Eastern Europe

There are 15 qualifying countries in the Eastern Europe region, all of which are in the top half of the table, with two (Ukraine and Romania) making it into the top ten, and 10 others in the top 50. Overall, the region averages USD 18.06 per month, making it the second cheapest region in the world. The cheapest three were Ukraine (USD 7.35, 4th), Romania (USD 8.60, 6th) and Bulgaria (USD 10.47, 14th). The most expensive three were Slovenia (USD 40.29, 102nd), Montenegro (USD 25.04, 59th), and Croatia (USD 21.94, 53rd).

  • Position: 2nd
  • Total countries tested: 15
  • Most expensive package: USD 83.42
  • Cheapest package: USD 1.37
  • Average package price: USD 18.06
  • Total packages measured: 288

Baltics Broadband Costs worldwide

The Baltics, comprising three countries, ranked entirely within the top 80, coming in third-cheapest overall regionally, with a regional average price of USD 21.58. Latvia fared best in 30th place overall, with an average price of USD 16.59. Lithuania followed, in 31st place overall with an average price of USD 16.94. Estonia trailed in third place, in 71st place overall, with an average of USD 31.21 per month.

  • Position: 3rd
  • Total countries tested: 3
  • Most expensive package: USD 108.16
  • Cheapest package: USD 8.03
  • Average package price: USD 21.58
  • Total packages measured: 70

Northern Africa

The six countries in Northern Africa all feature in the cheapest half of the table, with three countries in the top 40. The average price in the region is USD 22.57. The cheapest was Egypt (USD 9.67, 9th), followed by Tunisia (USD 14.53, 21st), and Libya (USD 18.68, 36th). The most expensive was Senegal (USD 39.56, 91st), followed by Morocco (USD 32.47, 71st) and Algeria (USD 20.51, 42nd).

  • Position: 4th
  • Total countries tested: 6
  • Most expensive package: USD 100.94
  • Cheapest package: USD 2.50
  • Average package price: USD 22.95
  • Total packages measured: 105

South America

The 11 countries measured in South America span from the upper to the lower end of the table, with a regional average price of USD 38.48. The cheapest broadband in South America can be found in Argentina (USD 5.17 (largely due to recent volatility against the dollar), 2nd), Colombia (USD 20.47, 44th), and Brazil (USD 21.18, 48th). The most expensive packages on average are in the Falkland Islands (USD 139.74, 212th), Uruguay (USD 55.35, 137th), and French Guiana (USD 53.84, 133rd).

  • Position: 5th
  • Total countries tested: 11
  • Most expensive package: USD 586.51
  • Cheapest package: USD 2.84
  • Average package price: USD 38.48
  • Total packages measured: 182

Asia (excl. Near East)

28 countries were measured in the Asia (ex. Near East) region, which has an average price of USD 39.88. This global region covers a vast expanse, and as such pricing runs the full length of the table from top to bottom. The cheapest packages were found in seventh-place Vietnam (USD 8.72), 10th-place Nepal (USD 9.51), and 13th-place India (USD 9.73). The most expensive countries in the region were the British Indian Ocean Territory (USD 167.33), Bhutan (USD 117.75) and Timor-Leste (USD 107.33).

  • Position: 6th
  • Total countries tested: 28
  • Most expensive package: USD 660.65
  • Cheapest package: USD 3.33
  • Average package price: USD 39.88
  • Total packages measured: 651

Western Europe

The 29 countries measured in Western Europe span the middle to the lower end of the table, with none in the top 50 and two in the bottom 50. The regional average price of USD 50.01 makes it the seventh cheapest of the 13 global regions overall. The cheapest in the region was Malta (USD 27.01, 63rd), followed by Italy (USD 30.97, 70th) and Spain (USD 31.99, 76th). The most expensive was Faroe Islands (USD 83.86, 182nd, followed by the Norway (USD 80.18, 176th) and Iceland (USD 76.24, 172nd).

  • Position: 7th
  • Total countries tested: 29
  • Most expensive package: USD 1029.90
  • Cheapest package: USD 5.35
  • Average package price: USD 50.01
  • Total packages measured: 512

Sub-Saharan Africa

44 countries were measured in Sub-Saharan Africa, most of which sit in the bottom half of the league table. The average cost per month in the region is USD 62.66. Going against the trend were Sudan (USD 2.40, 1st place, cheapest in the world), Zimbabwe (USD 9.64, 11th), and the Republic of Congo (USD 12.62, 20th). At the other end of the table, the most expensive country was Burundi (USD 304.57, 222nd, Congo – the second-most expensive country in the world, followed by the Democratic Republic of) (USD 170.97, 218th) and Mozambique (USD 118.26, 208th).

  • Position: 8th
  • Total countries tested: 44
  • Most expensive package: USD 1257.69
  • Cheapest package: USD 0.87
  • Average package price: USD 62.66
  • Total packages measured: 398

Near East

The 15 countries in the Near East measured for this year’s broadband pricing league span the entire table. The average price for the region is USD 65.75. The cheapest countries were Turkey (USD 10.95, 16th), Lebanon (USD 21.91, 52nd) and Israel (USD 25.80, 61st). The most expensive were Yemen (USD 159.71, 216th), United Arab Emirates (USD 142.65, 214th), and Oman (USD 95.47, 197th).

  • Position: 9th
  • Total countries tested: 15
  • Most expensive package: USD 1819.75
  • Cheapest package: USD 5.37
  • Average package price: USD 65.75
  • Total packages measured: 321

Caribbean Broadband Costs worldwide

The Caribbean is a region of island nations where the average cost of fixed broadband tends to be high. The average package price is USD 82.94, with most countries featured in the more expensive half of the table. The cheapest countries in the region were Cuba (USD 29.52, 69th), the Dominican Republic (USD 33.51, 82nd), and Puerto Rico (USD 40.63, 103rd), while the Turks and Caicos Islands (USD 212.00, 212th), the British Virgin Islands (USD 189.00, 220th), and the Cayman Islands (USD 155.04, 215th) were the most expensive.

  • Position: 10th
  • Total countries tested: 31
  • Most expensive package: USD 388.52
  • Cheapest package: USD 11.27
  • Average package price: USD 82.94
  • Total packages measured: 238

Northern America

Four countries were recorded in Northern America, and all of them sit in the bottom half of the table. The region as a whole has an average price of USD 104.33, making it the third-most expensive region in the world. Canada was the cheapest (USD 58.26, 144th), followed by the United States (USD 65.00, 155th) and Greenland (USD 114.60, 204th). Bermuda was the most expensive in the region (USD 185.00, 219th).

  • Position: 11th
  • Total countries tested: 4
  • The most expensive package: USD 315.00
  • Cheapest package: USD 21.83
  • Average package price: USD 105.72
  • Total packages measured: 86

Oceania Broadband Costs worldwide

Of the 15 qualifying countries in Oceania, most were in the bottom half of the table. The region has an overall average price of USD 105.14. The cheapest in the region was Tonga (USD 17.66, 35th), with New Caledonia in second place (USD 27.70, 64th), and Fiji (USD 46.18, 120th) in third. The most expensive in the region was Solomon Islands (USD 457.84, 223rd and most expensive in the world), followed by Christmas Island (USD 141.85, 213th) and Guam (USD 135.00, 211th).

  • Position: 12th
  • Total countries tested: 16
  • Most expensive package: USD 2301.00
  • Cheapest package: USD 8.53
  • Average package price: USD 105.14
  • Total packages measured: 152

Central America

Most Central American countries found themselves sitting in the middle of the league table. The region as a whole has an average package price of USD 105.72, but there is a wide price difference across the area. Ecuador is cheapest (USD 31.05, 68th), followed by Ecuador (USD 35.28, 80th), and Guatamala (USD 32.31, 78th). Meanwhile, the most expensive average prices in the region are found in Honduras (USD 58.00, 143rd), Costa Rica (USD 46.27, 121st), and Belize (USD 43.61, 114th).

  • Position: 13th
  • Total countries tested: 10
  • Most expensive package: USD 200.88
  • Cheapest package: USD 16.80
  • Average package price: USD 39.87
  • Total packages measured: 194

A Look Back: Tracking Historical Trends in Broadband Pricing

Global broadband pricing isn’t static. Cable.co.uk’s analysis tracks average costs over the past seven years, revealing a fascinating trend: prices are generally decreasing! The average global price in 2024 sits at $55.89, reflecting a slight decrease from previous years. Broadband Costs worldwide

Beyond the Numbers: Additional Resources

This exploration merely scratches the surface of global broadband pricing. To delve deeper, Cable.co.uk has provided valuable resources:

  • Download the complete data set for a comprehensive look at individual country pricing.
  • Access the original press release for a broader context of the study.
  • Learn more about the research methodology to understand how the data was gathered and analyzed.

We hope this captivating journey through global broadband pricing has been insightful. Happy exploring!

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.