Altice Portugal receives 5G roaming requests
The CEO of Altice Portugal, Ana Figueiredo, said that the company has already received roaming requests from operators that acquired spectrum in the recent 5G auction. She said the process is “ongoing”, refusing to go into details. Altice Portugal 5G roaming
“We have already received requests and we are obviously in talks”, said the executive president of Altice Portugal, who took office earlier this month , at the press conference to launch MEO Care .
“There is a process that is ongoing, for obvious reasons, I cannot detail that process,” he added, recalling that roaming agreements are part of the 5G auction regulation . “I believe that there will be more developments soon”, concluded the manager on the subject.
New market entrants can benefit from national roaming access to the networks of operators already installed, regardless of the quality of spectrum they purchase, in accordance with the auction conditions.
5G “is a technology that can be disruptive and can increase the competitiveness of Portuguese companies”, said Ana Figueiredo.
More than the issue of 5G speed, “the issue of latency will be fundamental for some industries, for the creation of an effective Industry 4.0, to also revolutionize the health sector or also in the capacity that technology brings” to connect multiple devices. , stressed the CEO.
“The need for companies to use this technology will also be progressive” as they “have to adapt their platforms and their equipment” to 5G.
“What we are making possible for the Portuguese market, whether for the final consumer, or for companies and the Portuguese business fabric, is a tool with a competitive advantage”, underlined Ana Figueiredo.
João Epifânio, Chief Sales Officer B2C at Altice Portugal, pointed out that since January this year, when Altice Portugal’s 5G service was launched, “more than 80%” of the operator’s equipment portfolio is 5G.
“For the first time in our history we launched a new technology with hundreds of thousands of customers with 5G equipment” and what “we have been registering is a growing evolution”, he pointed out.
João Epifânio recalled that the company invested “large hundreds of millions of euros” in the acquisition of 5G spectrum and that investments in the development of the network are now following. “We have very demanding coverage obligations to carry out in the coming years and, naturally, we expect to monetize” all this investment, he added. Altice Portugal 5G roaming