iPhone with dual SIM enables use of 2 phone plans on one phone
Apple is taking advantage of the eSIM technology used in the AppIe Watch to act as a software-based SIM alongside a physical SIM card. Both are enabled on the iPhone at the same time, correspond to separate phone numbers, and can be set up with two completely different plans. iphone with dual sim
This can allow users to take advantage of local networks to save on roaming charges, by replacing the physical SIM card while keeping the eSIM for their home carrier. This also enables users to have a business line and a personal line, without needing two mobile devices.
To enable this, Apple has included what it calls Dual SIM Dual Standby technology, which will keep both SIMs functional, but will activate the relevant SIM for an incoming call from one of the two numbers.
What is Dual SIM Dual Standby?
Dual Sim Dual Standby, also known as DSDS, is the modern take on Dual SIM functionality. Traditionally, Dual SIM means users can install two separate SIM cards into their phones — more on that later — while Dual SIM Standby typically allows the user to choose which of those two SIMs are able to place and receive calls. On the other hand, Dual Sim Active (or DSA) technology allows both SIMs to receive calls simultaneously, though the device itself would need two transceivers. Dual SIM Dual Standby combines the best of all these functions together, allowing users to put two active SIMs into their phones while utilizing just one transceiver.
Apple is working with a number of carriers to enable the eSIM, including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Bell, and others. To set up the eSIM, the carriers will offer a scannable QR code that can be read by the iPhone’s camera, which then configures the eSIM with the required settings.
For China and other countries where eSIM technology will not be widely available, Apple is also producing a regional version of the iPhone XS models that can take two physical SIM cards, which fit on both sides of the SIM tray. iphone dual sim
Why would anyone need dual SIM functionality?
There are two main reasons why mobile users would want a Dual SIM-compatible phone: the first is that they want to use the same device for two different numbers, while the second is that they may want to use their device with two different carrier plans.
The first example is fairly self-explanatory: typically the user wants to have his or her personal and work numbers go to the same device. This means they can give work numbers to work associates, personal numbers to personal friends, and manage both numbers through the same phone. It’s similar to how e-mail users can have multiple accounts forwarded to a single main account, allowing them to manage all of their communication without needing separate devices or separate logins.
The second example is also straightforward: by having two SIM slots, a single device can work with multiple carriers and networks, which is a great feature for those who travel often. With a Dual SIM compatible device like the iPhone Xs, a mobile user can keep their usual stay-at-home mobile plan but also pick up a new plan for when they travel abroad. Instead of paying crazy roaming fees while out of the country, the device owner could simply pick up a carrier plan within the country or continent they’re visiting, slot the new SIM card into their phone, and have all the comfort and familiarity of their mobile device while operating on a completely different cellular network. iphone dual sim
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