Kazakhtelecom launches app for doctor consultations
Kazakhtelecom, jointly with the Russian Imedicus company, has developed mobi Doctor-service: a mobile application for medical online consultations. The Kazakhstanians can obtain Duty Doctor’s or Pediatrician’s recommendations 24 hours straight 7 days a week anywhere in the world. Kazakhtelecom online medical consultation
The main advantage of the mobi Doctor app is its accessibility, since you only need a phone and Internet to use the service. This is extremely important and relevant for Kazakhstan, as it opens up a possibility to receive high-quality medical care, especially in remote rural settlements, with, usually, one paramedic for the whole village, who does not have time to serve the residents, and it is difficult for patients to get to the District center.
«Such opportunity as to get a doctor’s consultation not sometime during the day, but precisely at a convenient and necessary time for the patient, was always in demand, however, now it is more relevant than ever. The pandemic has shown that the problem of receiving quality and timely medical care is literally becoming a matter of life or death», – Mr. Rinat DZHEKSENOV, Managing Director for Sales of the Retail Business Division of Kazakhtelecom, JSC considers.
For this moment Kazakhstanis can consult qualified doctors of leading clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg at mobi Doctor-service, however, negotiations are currently underway with the best Kazakhstani doctors to provide services in the Kazakh language. In the application, the doctor can get in touch within a few minutes in the format of a chat, audio or video call. A virtual medical record is created in your personal account after the conversation. In the record you can upload the appointments of your doctor, laboratory tests, X-ray images, computed tomography. Thus, users can “decipher” the tests, ask for a “second opinion” on a previously made diagnosis, receive written recommendations from a doctor on medications, adjust the treatment plan, and much more.
«No more queuing, booking in advance, or driving across town to get a doctor’s advice, – Mr. Igor POGREBITSKY, the Chief Director for Retail Business of Kazakhtelecom, JSC says – It is enough to choose a convenient tariff, enter through the website or mobile application, and get a consultation in the format of online chat, video or audio communication».
To use mobi Doctor-service, you need to choose a tariff suitable for yourself and your family, depending on your requests. The cost of the service is affordable and starts from KZT300.00 per month. It should be noted that all user’s data is under reliable protection and confidential status; chats, video and audio calls are also encrypted and cannot be transferred to third parties. Kazakhtelecom online medical consultation