work at home sweden

Swedes Embrace Remote Work, Telia Survey Finds

Most people think they are just as productive when working from home during the coronavirus pandemic, or are more productive, as when they worked at the office, according to a survey that Telia commissioned from market research organisation Nepa. However, as many as four out of ten Swedes miss their co-workers, it said. work at home sweden

For many companies, the pandemic has meant a rapid digital transformation. But the survey shows that as few as four out of ten (44 percent) Swedes can work from home. A majority of those who can work remotely (76 percent) do so, and most (79 percent) do so with the same commitment as before. According to three-quarters (77 percent), productivity also holds up when they feel they are getting as much done or even more at home. It seems best to work for employees at large companies where as much as 30 percent feel more efficient, unlike 19 percent among those at small companies.

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Even though these are extraordinary times, it has given us a unique opportunity to test our leadership and digital capabilities. Now we can see what works and what we can do better at. What you should bring with you is that it is not just about enabling telework, it is equally important to invest in how you work, says Mille Beckman, Head of Digitalisation and Change Management at Telia.

Three quarters (76 per cent) think that collaboration with colleagues has worked just as well or even got better than before. On the other hand, it is noticeable that the lack of physical meetings affects, as as many as four in ten (42 per cent) of distance workers believe that the working group’s cohesion has deteriorated during the period and almost as many (35 per cent) have reduced job satisfaction. work at home sweden

At first, I think many people have focused on solving the technical problems and just driving, which is great. But digital work methods are about 80 percent about changing behaviors. Secondly, follow up on how the digital tools are used and how the work goes. But also follow up and check out how people are feeling, thus reducing the risk that employees are standing or feeling outside, ”concludes Mille Beckman.

About the survey work at home sweden

In April-May 2020, on behalf of Telia, the research company Nepa interviewed a national average of 2,663 Swedes aged 15 and 74 about how they view telework in connection with the Corona pandemic.

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.