Wi-Fi 6

FCC authorises first Wi-Fi 6 device for US market

The Federal Communications Commission authorized the first Wi-Fi device for use in the 6 GHz spectrum band (5.925–7.125 GHz). In April, the Commission adopted new rules to expand unlicensed operations in the 6 GHz bands, ushering in Wi-Fi 6—the next generation of Wi-Fi—and boosting the growth of the Internet of Things. More about WiFi 6 devices for the US market find out below. WiFi 6 device


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The approval comes after the commission created a new range of 1,200 MHz (5.925–7.125 GHz) for Wi-Fi services in April, boosting the amount of spectrum available for Wi-Fi by nearly a factor of five.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai issued the following statement on today’s news: “Today, we get an exciting glimpse of America’s Wi-Fi future. This is the FCC’s first authorization of a device to provide unlicensed services in the 6 GHz spectrum band under the Commission’s new rules. The Commission cleared the way for such advances with its landmark action earlier this year, making up to 1,200 megahertz of spectrum available for higher-powered unlicensed use. Today, we are starting to see the fruits of this work, and consumers will now start to benefit in a big way.
“We expect Wi-Fi 6 to be over two-and-a-half times faster than the current standard. This will offer better performance for American consumers at a time when homes and businesses are increasingly reliant on Wi-Fi. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve all seen how Wi-Fi has enabled everything from work-at-home to telehealth to remote learning to streaming and gaming. Wi-Fi 6 will turbocharge each of these and more, and will also complement commercial 5G networks.
Bottom line: The American consumer’s wireless experience is about to be transformed for the better.
“I’m grateful that the full Commission approved this bold vision for the 6 GHz band. This is not the time, and this is not the agency, for tinkering around the edges. And I thank the incredible team in our Office of Engineering and Technology for their management of our equipment authorization system as well as their thoughtful work on the 6 GHz band proceeding earlier this year.”
The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology today authorized Broadcom’s application for the first 6 GHz transmitter. WiFi 6 device 

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.