Vodafone Turkey international

Vodafone Turkey expands Red roaming services

Vodafone is one of the world’s leading telecommunications groups, now operating in around 30 countries and partnering with networks in over 50 more. With Vodafone Roaming, you have the freedom to use your mobile just like you do at home with our widest 4.5G coverage – keeping you connected to the people and things that matter to you wherever you travel in the world. More about Vodafone Turkey international calls and expanded roaming services read below.
Vodafone Turkey expanded the scope of the ‘Red Service’ (Kirmizi Servisi), which was previously valid for 23 Vodafone countries, to include all countries of the world.
Accordingly, all individual and corporate Vodafone customers abroad can send a SMS to 00905427048000 and are called free by the Vodafone Call Center.

Vodafone’s roaming policy depends on whether you sign up for one of its Basics, Essentials, Red Extra or Red Entertainment plans.

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Here, we’ll outline what you get with each type of plan and in which countries you’ll be able to use your monthly allowance of calls, texts and data for no extra cost.

  • Basics plans: Inclusive roaming is not included with any Basics plans. So if you want to use your phone overseas, you’ll need to choose another plan. Or change your existing plan to one of these below.
  • Essentials plans: These plans include roaming in 48 European destinations for no extra charge, with Vodafone’s Roam Free scheme. Pay an extra £6 per day and you can use your allowances in an extra 104 locations with its Roam Further scheme.
  • Red Extra: Just as with Essentials plans, these offer inclusive roaming in 48 locations in Europe for no extra charge, with the network’s Roam Free scheme. Once again, you can pay £6 per day to roam in 104 extra locations.
  • Red Entertainment: If you signed up for a Vodafone Red Entertainment plan before 15th August 2018, you’re entitled to roam in the same 48 locations as Red Extra and Essentials plans customers, with the same option to boost the range of countries you can roam in for an extra £6 per day with the Roam Further scheme.

However, if you signed up for a Red Entertainment plan after 15th August 2018, you can use your allowances in 77 overseas locations for no extra charge with the Global Roaming Plus scheme. Of course, you’re still able to sign up to Roam Further if those 77 locations don’t cover somewhere you’re planning to holiday.

Vodafone Turkey international

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.