Verizon 5G live in basketball arenas
Verizon ’s 5G Ultra Wideband mobility service will be live in 10 arenas by the end of the 2019-2020 season.
These arenas together host millions of basketball fans, hockey fans, and concert goers each
year. For those connected to it on a 5G device, Verizon’s Ultra Wideband 5G mobility service can provide
the bandwidth for fans to access the content they want during events.
Verizon 5G provides differentiated experience for spectators
Additionally, the venues, teams, vendors and other businesses that call these arenas home may be able to use 5G mobility services to
provide a differentiated experience for spectators and participants alike. Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband is
being built right with consumers and businesses in mind.
“Verizon is leading in 5G development and is transforming how entire industries operate ranging
from entertainment to manufacturing,” said Heidi Hemmer, Vice President of Technology at Verizon.
“Having this next generation technology in large venues like arenas should not only enhance the game-day
experience for sports fans, but provide greater bandwidth for concert-goers, visitors or businesses working
inside the venue.”
The indoor arena deployment of 5G is part of Verizon’s strategy to bring the latest in network
technology to major venues. Verizon’s 5G can provide immersive mobile experiences using artificial
reality and virtual reality, at events where fans are gathered. Access to a superfast network brings the
potential for greater bandwidth, better customer service, and improved operating models and revenue
The news follows Verizon’s announcement last month that Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband service is
live in 13 NFL stadiums.