TIM, Vivo and Claro postpone introduction of wholesale roaming plans
Brazilian operators TIM, Vivo and Claro have managed to postpone indefinitely the deadline for the presentation of their wholesale roaming plans. The plans would be aimed at other companies interested in providing mobile telephony service to end-consumers in Brazil. brazil wholesale roaming plans
Operators TIM, Vivo and Claro managed to postpone the deadline for submitting their wholesale roaming plans indefinitely. The deadline expired last Friday, 15th. The offers would be aimed at other companies interested in providing mobile telephony service to the final consumer.
The offer of roaming at affordable prices to competitors was a counterpart demanded by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) and the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) to approve the slicing of Oi’s mobile networks between the trio, a situation that generated a concentration of Marketplace, reports O Estado de Sao Paulo.
In recent years, the market has seen a reduction from five national operators to just three. In addition to the sale of Oi, there was also the sale of Nextel. brazil wholesale roaming plans
The purpose of setting fair roaming prices (voice, data and SMS traffic) was to reopen this market by placing the TIM, Vivo and Claro networks at the disposal of other companies. And there are people interested in exploring this branch. There are regional providers that have won 5G licenses, as well as virtual operators (mobile virtual network operators, or MVNOs), which rent networks from others to offer the service to the final consumer.
The postponement of the process was obtained by the large telecoms through preliminary injunctions against Anatel. They contest the methodology used to calculate roaming values made by the regulatory agency, claiming that they did not have access to the studies in full or within a timely manner. And more: they say that the values to be practiced are below their operating costs, which would generate subsidies for competitors.