Telekom Srbija accelerates digital transformation in Serbia
Telekom Srbija, the TMT leader in Western Balkan region, is announcing its efforts to accelerate the digital transformation of the Serbian economy and society, in keeping with the national digitalisation priorities outlined in the Serbian Digital Agenda. In 2022 the business will focus on rolling out the 5G network. telekom srbija digital transformation
It will also continue its EUR 25m investment for start-ups in multiple sectors, while furthering its cooperation with Vodafone, covering Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to provide access to all important resources in the sphere of digital transformation.
A 5G spectrum auction is expected in mid-2022, to be followed by the implementation of the 5G Network in Telekom Srbija by the end of year. Recently, on 15 December 2021, the European Investment Bank (EIB) announced that it will lend EUR 70 million to Telekom Srbija for the rollout of the 5G telecommunications network and extension of the existing 4G network across the Republic of Serbia, recognising us as a key market leader in the region. The EIB loan will enable 60% of Serbians residents to gain access to the latest 5G network and extend the benefits of the 4G network to nearly everyone in the country.
Earlier last year, Telekom Srbija set up its first Corporate Venture Capital Fund for start-up ideas, aiming to invest EUR 25 million over the next five years which means that Telekom Srbija will invest five million euros per year for start-ups in Serbia and region. In 2022 Telekom Srbija through its CVC Fund will continue to invest heavily in multiple fields of business such as AI, Big Data, FinTech, e-commerce, IoT, media and telco, AdTech, B2B/B2C, SaaS, blockchain etc.
The company’s cooperation with Vodafone, covering Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, will make it possible for the business to increase the efficiency of its operations, optimise costs and improve customer experience in the coming year. All of which are key strategic priorities for Telekom Srbija.
Vladimir Lučić, Chief Executive Officer of Telekom Srbija, said: “We see digital opportunities as a big part of a more sustainable future of the Serbian economy and society. This will make it possible for us to increase the efficiency of our operations, optimise costs and improve customer experience, which are our key strategic priorities. Digitalisation can unlock unlimited potential and hidden revenues for businesses and Public Administration by freeing up resources for more crucial tasks. I am confident that investing in digital technology and innovation can bring tangible results and make positive steps towards a greener and more resilient tomorrow for our customers, investors and partners.” telekom srbija digital transformation