Tele2 SIM card orders with home delivery increased 1.5 times in Moscow
An increase in the number of sales of SIM cards with delivery is observed in all regions of the operator’s presence. So, in Moscow only from March 23 to March 31, 2020, the company’s customers placed 175% more home orders than a week earlier. In addition, during the period of full isolation in the metropolitan area, the number of applications for transferring a subscriber number within the framework of the MNP (Mobile Number Portability) service increased – an increase in the Internet channel amounted to 50%.
You can order a new number online at the Tele2 online store. The courier will bring the SIM card home for free, and the subscriber can go through a simple self-registration or conclude a paper contract. The operator provides customers with the opportunity to receive a new SIM card without a long wait for delivery or a visit to the pick-up point. The new method of delivering orders from the Tele2 online store is Yandex.Taxi service. At the same time, in the Moscow region, the operator offers customers to also use the contactless SIM-card delivery service.
When ordering SIM-cards, customers prefer tariff plans with a large amount of Internet traffic. So, since the beginning of the year, My Online remains the leader in the number of connections. At the same time, Everywhere Online tariff was in second place in the Moscow region. It includes 40 GB of traffic and access to Yandex. Plus subscription at no additional charge for six months. Thanks to package tariffs with a wide range of services, subscribers can always stay in touch and solve most of their every day and work tasks using a smartphone, without leaving home.
Anton Zhukovsky, commercial director of the macro-region “Moscow” Tele2:
“We recorded an increased demand for the delivery of SIM cards through the online store in mid-March. At that moment, residents of Moscow and the region switched to a remote mode of operation – ensuring the safety of the workplace and high-speed Internet became a priority for them. At the beginning of April, demand stabilized, and activation of subscribers in the Tele2 network began to show positive dynamics. But with the introduction of digital passes in the capital on April 15, the number of orders in the online store began to grow again. Such changes in the demand curve are associated with exceptional external events. We, in turn, strive to adapt our retail to new realities, actively developing partnerships and internal projects aimed at supporting subscribers during the period of self-isolation. ” Tele2 SIM card orders with home delivery