antarctica roaming

Tele2 Russia launches roaming in Antarctica

Tele2 Russia has launched data and voice roaming services in the settlement of Villa-las-Estrellas in Antarctica. Calls from the settlements now cost RUB 65, texts RUB 12 and data roaming RUB 350 per day. antarctica roaming

In winter, about 80 people live in Villa las Estrellas, and in the summer this figure almost doubles. Due to the absence of a surgeon in the local hospital, all residents of the settlement, including children over 6 years old, are required to remove appendicitis. The settlement has a school, a church and a post office. For lovers of extreme travel, a small hostel for 20 guests and even a gift shop are open.

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Oleg Reshetin, director of strategic development for the Tele2 product portfolio:

“It would seem, why in Antarctica roaming? However, our reports on roaming activity of subscribers sometimes can not help but surprise. A significant part of Tele2 subscribers is a young and active audience who loves extreme sports and unusual travels. These customers get to the Kamchatka hills, and to the Icelandic Torshavn. Nothing prevents the dream-dreamer from setting the next destination, the Villa-las-Estrellas settlement, where, by the way, the great Stephen Hawking once visited. And when this amazing event happens, Tele2 services will be available to our subscribers.antarctica roaming



Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.