Tele2 Russia Offers Izi.Travel Audio Guides
Tele2 Russia, together with the popular service izi.TRAVEL, has offered a new service to its customers. Now the operator’s subscribers will have unlimited access to the library of audio guides around the cities and museums of the world in the izi.TRAVEL application. tele2 audio guides
Tele2 maintains an active lifestyle for its customers and continues to offer useful and beneficial options. The company has launched a new service in conjunction with the world’s largest mobile travel guide platform, izi.TRAVEL. The service allows Tele2 customers to choose a tour of museums in more than 120 countries. By subscribing, the company’s subscribers get unlimited access to the entire izi.TRAVEL library. In-app content does not need to be purchased; additionally, all audio guides can be listened to without ads.
On the international platform izi.TRAVEL, more than 16 thousand audio guides are presented on the streets and museums of 4 thousand cities in 120 countries of the world. Tours are available in 70 languages. The peculiarity of izi.TRAVEL is the author’s thematic guidebooks, a series of historical sketches that add up to interesting walking routes. In addition, the service offers “star” tours, voiced by famous people, and whole performances in the scenery of real cities. On izi.TRAVEL you can find both familiar walking tours and audio guides for cyclists, runners, and those who like to travel by car or train. Thousands of authors publish their travel guides on the platform: the largest museums in the world, tourist bureaus of cities, travel bloggers, and ordinary people who want to tell about their favorite places.
To use the service, a Tele2 client needs to subscribe to the izi.TRAVEL service. You can issue it using the USSD request * 819 #. The subscription fee is charged daily and amounts to 10 rubles per day. The izi.TRAVEL application is available for download in the AppStore and GooglePlay .
Oleg Reshetin, director of strategic development of the Tele2 product portfolio:
“Today you only need a smartphone and access to the Internet to walk a tourist route or listen to a tour in a museum, so mobile applications with audio guides are becoming more and more popular. The content on the izi.TRAVEL platform is in demand among travelers due to the author’s approach, unique facts and unusual formats of excursions. We offer clients special conditions for projects with our partners. Collaboration with izi.TRAVEL is an example of such a privilege. Thanks to the subscription, our client receives not only content without ads, but also unlimited access to all excursions of the international platform of interactive mobile guidebooks. ” tele2 audio guides