smartphone france

Smartphone popularity keeps rising in France as tablets and PCs see continues decline

Smartphone penetration has remained on a steady upward trend among consumers in France, rising to 75 percent in mid-2018 from 73 percent a year earlier, according to the latest Digital Barometer study published by Arcep. smartphone france


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The survey, carried out across a representative sample of people aged 12+, found that ownership of computers fell from 81 to 78 percent in the same period (the lowest level since 2011). smartphone france
For the first time, tablet penetration has also shown a decline, dipping 3 points to 41 percent.
As of 2020, more than nine in ten French teenagers aged 12 to 17 years old possessed a smartphone, whereas 95 percent of respondents between 18 and 39 years old had one. Moreover, the share of seniors aged 55 years and older using a smartphone has been increasing since 2012: from 16 percent up to 44 percent in 2018, furthering the widespread use of smartphones across society.

Smartphone habits in France

Being the most used mobile devices for telephony, messaging and internet access, smartphones are present in most aspects of everyday life. Besides usual mobile phone use, French surveyed declared using their smartphone for search engines as well as visiting social networks or watching online videos at least once a week. On the other hand, almost half of the respondents aged 18 to 34 years old considered themselves addicted to their digital devices.

Smartphones as an essential part of the younger generations’ life

For a broad majority of French teenagers, having a smartphone appears to be an important part of their friendly life: half of them declared that It was a must to maintain friendly relationships. Furthermore, more than half of French 12-to 17-year-olds owning a smartphone also had an account on social media like Snapchat, Facebook or Instagram.


Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.