The Slovenian Tourist Board introduced NFT project and blockchain technology
The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MGRT), presents I Feel NFT, the first tourism promotion activity in Italy related to the non-fungible token (NFT) and blockchain technology. For the more latest news about Slovenia NFT find out below.
At the opening of EXPO 2020 Dubai, Slovenia was the first country in the world to issue NFTs for the promotion of Slovenian tourist destinations in Italy.
Slovenia, the first country to issue NFT tokens
Slovenia once again stands out as a smart, innovative, and sustainable destination that is willing to look to the future and new technologies, with blockchain proving to be a very useful tool and carrier of major changes, improving and creating digitalisation of countless sectors with outstanding positive effects, which has been recognized by the STB in the recently published Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Slovenian Tourism 2022-2026, which in a specific measure (measure 9) addresses the concept and functionality of the Green Digital Token.
Tourism is constantly evolving, and destinations that are ready to embrace digital development will gain significant competitive advantages. The use of blockchain technology enables international competitiveness to be maintained at a high level by promoting digitalization, improving customer satisfaction, and increasing confidence due to increased efficiency, transparency, and sustainability—the values that serve as a foundation for the vision of Slovenian tourism.
At the opening of EXPO 2020 Dubai, Slovenia was the first country in the world to issue NFTs—non-interchangeable and non-replaceable tokens that are created and certified on blockchain technology to promote the results of the country’s economy and tourist destinations. It is a collection of 15,000 unique digital 3D icons and exclusive panoramic and 360-degree high-resolution photos.
Implementation of this technology resulted in a new information platform, the aim of which is to increase the value and quality of Slovenia’s tourism and to increase and update STB’s promotional activities in order to ensure a presentation of Slovenia’s tourism sector and tourism in a digital, modern and innovative form.
Aljoša Ota, the head of the STB representation in Italy, said: “We are very pleased to be able to present the I Feel NFT project at the Bit Milan 2022 tourism fair. We are convinced that technological progress and digitalisation can make tourist destinations much more interesting and attractive, as this results in greater promotional opportunities that open up with the NFT realm and possible implementation of promotional activities in the metaverse. Slovenia is once again being featured with an exceptionally innovative project that includes the latest technological changes.”
I feel NFT and NFT cards
Slovenia has officially launched the I feel NFT project in Italy with a special website – https://ifeelnft.si/ and an NFT card that is planned for issuance in 1,000 units. At least in the first edition.
The card enables users – with a unique code – to obtain a NFT in their digital wallets: NFT is a certified, unique and unrepeatable token that can be symbolically awarded in the form of a digital souvenir, selected from a collection on a dedicated platform that provides access to a range of exclusive services (such as museums, exhibitions, experiences) and exclusive digital content and attractions offered by Slovenian tourism.
A few simple steps are required to use it: a cardholder must enter the code on the platform, into the app in their digital wallet – et voilà, the unique memory will be transferred to the personal NFT collection connected with their wallet.
Digital souvenirs and experiences on the platform in the NFT format show unique places and special features of Slovenian tourism.
There is a wide choice of categories available: landscapes, sights, culture, video, photography, 360-degree images and 3D models. It is an innovative solution that is expected to bring benefits to the STB and Slovenia, which is assuming a greater role as a smart model destination by integrating sustainability and blockchain technology.
The main advantages of digitalisation by means of an NFT card and blockchain are:
- Promoting and presenting the main tourist destinations, Slovenian representative exhibitions, works of art and products of Slovenian companies in the form of NFT tokens, digital content, and lasting souvenirs for visitors.
- Innovative souvenir design: visitors will be able to “download” impressions and experiences in a new unique digital format through NFT collections.
- Added value in developing digital skills for the end user, who obtains unique tokens (coins) or limited series tokens. NFT tokens can also be used as a certificate or proof of visit to a site.
- The user experience comes first, and technology runs in the background and builds user confidence. This reduces barriers to entry, encourages the development of digital skills, and makes the required steps easier for visitors who are unfamiliar with the technology.
- Slovenia also plans to implement NFT certificates for training courses for tour operators in Slovenia: Travel agencies will be able to receive the Slovenia Expert label by obtaining a certificate registered as NFT.
This is another project that is part of the digitalization of the STB. In recent years, the STB has managed to present Slovenia as a green, intelligent, and innovative destination that follows and includes in the promotion and development of the changes and opportunities offered by digital development, resulting in improved visibility, quality of services and tourism promotion of the area. This is also supported by the new Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Slovenian Tourism with the vision of Slovenia becoming an example of a smart destination that strengthens and encourages the development of sustainable, boutique, personalized and innovative experiences.
The event organized by the STB representation in Italy was attended by Nena Dokuzov of the MGRT, Tadej Slapnik, the Director General of Hashnet, Aleš Pevc of the Technology Park Ljubljana and Aljoša Ota, the head of the STB representation in Italy.
1) Blockchain is a common and “unchangeable” data structure. It is defined as a digital register in which entries are grouped into “blocks” in chronological order, and whose integrity is ensured through the use of cryptography.
2) NFT (non-fungible token or non-reproducible token) is a special type of token that represents a ledger and certificate of authenticity written on a blockchain of a unique asset (digital or physical).