Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier announces new Roaming EXperience Monitoring Tool
Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier has just launched REX, its Roaming EXperience monitoring solution. The features and capabilities of REX set new industry standards for the tracking and review of roaming traffic. Roaming EXperience monitoring
REX is a real-time monitoring solution that visualizes an operators’ complete roaming information over conventional browsers via a secured internet connection. It displays data and voice information such as inbound and outbound traffic volumes as well as ranking information. That includes rating lists of the performance quality of roaming partners and of the most utilized services (e.g., streaming providers, social media providers).
The tool also offers different parameters for monitoring, such as for roaming device type, human versus IOT traffic, IMSI range, or applications. The visualization is user friendly, intuitive, and customizable – with all customer data anonymized. Since it retains historical data of roaming traffic, it is possible to review long-term traffic statistics and thus optimize management.
Csaba Füzesi, Head of Product Management at Voice & Mobile Services at Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier said, “Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier enables roaming connectivity for all of Deutsche Telekom’s mobile operators as well as many outside the group. We therefore understand the challenges of our global clients and are committed to providing value-added roaming connectivity services, such as our innovative roaming monitoring solution REX.” Roaming EXperience monitoring
About Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier Roaming EXperience monitoring
Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier is the international wholesale division of Deutsche Telekom. We offer a comprehensive portfolio for all the needs of a rapidly transforming telco industry. One that is continually updated to provide fast, innovative solutions for future technologies and challenges. As one of the world’s leading carriers, we are able to satisfy the requirements of Deutsche Telekom Group’s international affiliates and more than 900 external customers worldwide.
With more than 20 years of experience in the international wholesale communication market, Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier offers next-generation platforms, extensive networks, a global backbone, 360 degrees of security, tailor-made solutions, worldwide connectivity, and much more.