
Republic Wireless announce a data-only roaming SIM card

Republic Wireless is offering SIM cards that come pre-loaded with either 30 or 90 days of (technically) unlimited data. The new cards don’t require activation, an account, or even a payment method after purchase. Republic Wireless data

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The cards do provide as much data as you want, but only a portion of it is at usable speeds: for the 30-day card, the first 20 gigabytes are at 4G speeds, and the 90-day card is allotted 20 gigs per 30 days (so 60 total, but divided into thirds). After you hit the cards’ limits, any further data used will be 2G.

Roaming also isn’t included, so don’t go buying one of these cards to take overseas.

Strangely, the cards are activated when they’re delivered, not when you pop them in your device, which limits their utility even further. But if you have a device that only needs data, these are a pretty solid deal, particularly the 90-day variant. They’re not reloadable, though, so once your card expires, you’ll need to get a new one if you want to continue getting service.

According to the FAQ, since this is a new product, there is no way to track high-speed data use online. Unless your device can track data use, you will not know when the 20GB of high-speed data is used up until the 2g throttle hits.

Despite these downsides, this is a relatively inexpensive and easy way to get some LTE T-Mobile data if other options aren’t working or you know you’ll be in a T-Mobile area in the near future. It could also work for part-time and vacationing RVers and cruisers who need some data for a fixed period with no strings attached. Since it doesn’t require any kind of contract or agreement, it can also be used by international travelers who come to the US.

You can buy the cards now exclusively on Amazon. The 30-day card is $29.99; the 90-day will run you $74.99.


Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.