Plus launches VoLTE roaming in 2 countries
Users of all types of offers in the Plus network (subscription, mix and pre-paid) can now use VoLTE voice calls in international roaming. This solution was implemented on October 31 and is now available in two networks: AT&T in the United States and Elisa in Finland, and will be gradually extended to other networks of international partners. Plus VoLTE roaming
Plus, taking care of its customers traveling around the world and wanting to provide them with the possibility of trouble-free use of mobile services, began implementing VoLTE technology in international roaming.
VoLTE, or Voice over LTE, is a solution that has been used for some time and allows for voice transmission via LTE Internet technology, thanks to which the connection is set up faster and the sound quality is better. It is already becoming a standard in domestic connections and will also become more and more common in international roaming. This is due to the more and more frequent announcements of switching off the 2G and 3G networks previously used in voice communication and allocating the radio resources thus released for the development of new technologies. This process is already taking place, for example by the aforementioned AT&T network in the USA, and other operators in the world are planning.
To use VoLTE roaming, you must have:
- a suitable phone supporting LTE technology with VoLTE roaming support,
- SIM LTE (USIM) card,
- active VoLTE service in the country,
- active international roaming.
Currently, the VoLTE roaming service in Plus will work on Samsung smartphones with Android 12 and higher and iPhones with IOS 15.4 or higher.
VoLTE roaming service is free, and charges for calls and SMS / MMS are charged according to the price list of the customer’s offer, the same as in traditional 2G / 3G roaming.
Data consumption for VoLTE roaming voice calls and SMS does not incur data roaming charges and does not reduce roaming data packets. It is also not included in the “DATA limiter in roaming” and you will be able to use these services even if the limiter blocks the data transmission while roaming.
The VoLTE solution in international roaming has already been implemented in two networks. In the AT&T USA network, voice calls (making and receiving) are available only via VoLTE or OTT communicators (Messenger, WhatsApp, Signal, etc.), while the Elisa network, in addition to VoLTE, also offers the classic service of roaming voice calls in 2G / 3G technology.
Plus is working intensively both on expanding VoLTE roaming coverage with new networks, as well as on expanding the phone base with new manufacturers, where this service can be used.
What is VoLTE? Plus VoLTE roaming
It is an abbreviation of the name Voice over Long-Term Evolution or Voice over LTE. This technology enables voice calls over the 4G network. Previously, the use of LTE networks was limited to using the Internet. When the user wanted to make a phone call, the smartphone automatically switched to the 3G or 2G network.
The advantage of using this technology is better sound quality during a call, as well as reducing background noise. VoLTE also allows you to talk and use mobile internet at the same time. It was not possible with the use of 2G and 3G standards, because then by switching to the lower band, the speed and quality of the Internet connection were automatically limited. The technology also reduces the time needed to connect to the interlocutor from a few seconds to just one second.