Greek tourism boosts OTE’s roaming revenue
A recovery in Greek tourism boosted third-quarter core profit for OTE, Greece’s biggest telecoms operator reports. Latest news about OTE roaming find out below.
The lifting of Covid-19 travel restrictions drove a sharp rise in visitors to Greece over the summer after a dismal 2020, helping OTE’s roaming revenue to reach 90% of the level reached in the same period of pre-pandemic 2019.
Growing demand for higher data speeds and volume in both mobile and fixed telephony also helped the group.
OTE, 46% owned and managed by Deutsche Telecom, said earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) reached €352.5 million in the quarter, up from €341.6 million in the same period last year.
The company has been investing heavily in fast broadband services in recent years. COSMOTE is rapidly expanding its 5G network coverage and aims at nationwide 60% population coverage by the end of 2021 and on-motorway coverage by 2023, while continuing to promote data usage through the 4G / 4G + network. The population coverage of services 5G in the two largest cities, Athens and Thessaloniki, has already exceeded 97% and 90% respectively.
IT revenues increased by 7% compared to the third quarter of 2020, as OTE remains a partner selection for small and large digitization projects, for businesses and public organizations.
The project implemented in the third quarter for the health sector is the application “myHealth”, through which
citizens get easy access from their mobile phones to their intangible prescriptions and health profile.