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orange sierra leone roaming

Orange Sierra Leone launches data roaming offers

A leading mobile company in Sierra Leone has now introduced amazing offers for customers who are travelling out of the country. Customers who are travelling to Europe, the United States, Canada, and the rest of Africa can now enjoy browsing at amazing prices. More about Orange Sierra Leone roaming services news, find out below.

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The new offer means browsing will still be very cheap even when Orange customers are out of the country.

Orange customers who are travelling to Europe can now buy 100MB on a daily plan for as cheap as Le15,000 and Le90,000 for 1GB on a monthly plan while based in Europe.

Customers who are travelling to the USA and Canada can buy data for as cheap as Le30,000 for 100MB on a daily plan and Le200,000 for 1GB on a monthly plan

Orange customers who are travelling to ECOWAS countries, including popular destinations like Ghana and Nigeria, can buy data on a daily plan for as cheap as Le20,000 for 100MB and on a monthly plan for Le150,000 for 1GB.

Sierra Leone has a huge diaspora population that frequently travels in and out of the country, and the new data offered from Orange will come as a fresh relief for many of the frequent travellers. Customers heading to any of these countries can buy their data using *266#, once they to their final destination or even during transit.

Orange’s latest data offer will mean frequent travelers out of the country can still stay in touch with friends and family, and do their work without the need to swap their SIM, because of the cost of data.

We want to make sure customers stay online, wherever they are in the world. We know how important is it for customers to stay in touch with family, friends and do their job whiles they are on abroad trips,” an Orange Executive said.

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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.