orange belgium unlimited roaming

Orange Belgium to allow unlimited data in EU roaming

Orange Belgium has updated its unlimited mobile plans to allow for unlimited data usage when roaming in the EU. Previously customers of the Eagle and Eagle Premium plans had to pay extra for data over 20 GB a month in the EU. orange belgium unlimited roaming
Since the state of April, they benefit from the same conditions as in Belgium, where only the speed is reduced after 20 GB, to 512 Kbps.
Intense includes: SURF – Unlimited; CALLS & SMS – Unlimited (also from Belgium / to EU), PRICE: 42 / month
Traveler includes: SURF – Unlimited; CALLS & SMS – Unlimited (Also from Belgium / to EU), ROAMING 3GB
in Best Destinations and 3000 min or SMS to/from Best Destinations  PRICE: 56 / month
Best destinations includes: Australia, South Africa, Canada, China, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Cape Verde, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States. orange belgium unlimited roaming

Orange Business users orange belgium unlimited roaming

Unlimited all-inclusive formula: Shape Intense

Our Shape Intense formula gives you unlimited phone calls, text messages and data, wherever you go in the EU.

SIM card e SIM shop

  • Unlimited text messages and calls in Belgium and throughout the EU

43.99 €/month

Manage your budget with Travel Data Control

This simple, free service enables you to limit your mobile use abroad prior to your departure and to prevent any nasty surprises when you get your bill.

Your data connection will be blocked when you reach the limit which you have set. You can then either stop accessing the internet or extend your expenditure limit. Your internet access will then automatically be reconnected.

The default Travel Data Control limit is capped at €50 per billing period. To change this limit simply go to:

  • Your Customer Zone (for Fleet Managers): select a number and amend the Travel Data Control amount in the “Options” section.
  • The My Orange app (for staff members who pay part of their bill): go to the “Tariff and Options” menu, in the “My Options” section.



Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.