M:tel Austria users do not pay roaming charges for calls and data in Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro
Under the slogan “Closer to home”, MTEL Austria’s mobile services primarily target customers who live and work in Austria and come from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina or Montenegro, but also those who often communicate or communicate with these countries to be in private or business often in them. More about m:tel Austria Balkans roaming services find out below.
Natalija Jegdic, the director of M:tel Austria assessed that the decision to enter the Austrian and, therefore, the European Union (EU) market is a very good business move by the Serbian telecommunications operator.
The competition is, as Jegdic points out, in Austria strong and the market is demanding. “It is extremely good that the decision was made to enter the Austrian market as a Serbian company and invest in the EU market,” Jegdic underlined, adding that “M: tel Austria” is leading with roaming with the Western Balkans region.
Users of the mobile network “M: tel Austria” do not have to pay roaming services for calls between Austria, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, because that barrier has been removed, Jegdic said. m:tel roaming
M: tel entered the Austrian market two years ago, because in that country there are about 300,000 people from the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Asked to enter the EU market at the time of the roaming termination, Jegdic reminded that telecommunication operators previously earned large earnings from roaming contracts and minutes of talks between countries.
“As time passes, these costs are getting smaller, thus melting the operator’s income. For this reason, this industry aims to offer new services and find new users. We recognized this and came to the Austrian market where we have something to offer, “Jegdic said.
m:tel customers can therefore call for free all fixed networks and mobile networks of the Telekom Serbia Group (mts Serbia, m: tel Banja Luka and m: tel Montenegro) as part of their mobile phone tariff from Austria and during their stay in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, or Montenegro are talks and internet roaming-free. m:tel Austria Balkans roaming
MTEL Austria prepaid cards can be purchased at more than 6,000 points of sale and recharged at more than 12,000 sales outlets throughout Austria. m:tel Austria Balkans roaming