Mobile penetration in Austria reaches 200% powered by skyrocketing need for M2M SIM cards
“The penetration of SIM cards in mobile communications today is at 200 %. Now, however, a quarter of it makes M2M-SIM cards that become the driver of mobile penetration,” says Dr. Klaus M. Steinmaurer, managing director of the radio and telecoms regulator (Rundfunk und Telekom-Regulierungs GmbH) for the field of telecommunications and post, figures from the current RTR Telekom monitor about Austria M2M SIM cards.
“5G is the next innovation boost for mobile communications with a focus on even higher data rates, highly available real-time applications and support for an enormously high number of IoT devices. Even if a lot cannot be estimated today, one thing is evident – the need for M2M SIM cards will skyrocket, ”says Steinmaurer.
Telekocommunication Minister Elisabeth Feininger (ÖVP) meets with the chefs of the major telecom operators on Tuesday, March 2nd, to discuss the expansion of infrastructure and 5G. The conversation is meant to be a “kick off” for political action, the ministry informed. The government still wants to reform broadband funding and revise the telecoms law.
According to the ministry info’s, A1 Telekom Austria (Thomas Arnoldner), Hutchinson Three (Jan Trionow) and Magenta (Andreas Bierwirth), as well as the WKÖ Obmann of the Fachverband für Telekom & Rundfunkunternehmen, Günther Singer, were at the meeting.
Starting in April, talks with all stakeholders, i.e. countries, municipalities and businesses, are expected to follow.